
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout concludes our four-part series on the state invitational tournaments held alongside the 2023 U.S. Open. Enjoy some… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout takes another dip back into Grand Rapids for the invitational tournaments. This week, each position is pulled from a… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout continues our series from the invitational tournaments held alongside the 2023 U.S. Open. This week's puzzles all come… Read More »
Tactics Tuesday
This week's Tactics Tuesday goes back to Baku for the 2023 FIDE World Cup and Women's World Cup. While last week's exercises all focused on mating… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout begins a four-part series of tactics taken from the invitational tournaments held alongside the U.S. Open in Grand… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This week's Wednesday Workout returns to Grand Rapids, MI, for a double-dose of puzzles from the just-concluded 2023 U.S. Open. Enjoy a dozen puzzles… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
Have you been following our daily reports from the U.S. Open? If so, you might recognize some (but not all!) of this week's puzzles, which are all… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
Last week, we highlighted some moments from the rapid portion of the 2023 Grand Chess Tour's SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia event. But the… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
GM Magnus Carlsen won the SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia leg of the Grand Chess Tour with several rounds to spare in the blitz. After an up-… Read More »
Wednesday Workout
This past weekend, FM Erick Zhao won the US Cadet Championship for the top American players age 16 and under. Enjoy an especially challenging… Read More »
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