Search result for: just the rules

You love the game of chess. You want to pass your passion onto your children. Some parents are not die-hard lovers of the royal game, but they are… Read More »
Randy Bauer, President of US Chess, and the rest of the Executive Board wishing Carol Meyer the best shortly after she announced she was leaving US… Read More »
Editor's note: In this month's column, Tim Just asks readers what judgment calls they would make when the letter of the rulebook departments from the… Read More »
Editor's note: This story first appeared in the November 2023 issue of Chess Life Magazine. Consider becoming a US Chess member for more content like… Read More »
After more than four-and-a-half years of anticipation, the first round of the inaugural U.S. Senior Women’s Championship happened on November 3, 2023… Read More »
Time Control Hack? Remember this from the old days? You were on move 37 of a 40/90 (40 moves must be made in 90 minutes) contest. Your time was...… Read More »
Editor's Note: This article was originally published in the October issue of Chess Life magazine. Consider becoming a US Chess member for more… Read More »
Three multiple choice goodies flavored with a touch of astonishment. The solutions are at the end of the column. 1. Bending the Rules? You could see… Read More »
Nine Americans and a retired Croatian consistently put their pieces on the wrong squares at the start of each round. Nine times, they tried to get it… Read More »
Not all of the rulebook updates passed by the delegates at their annual meeting were major. There will be some minor housekeeping rules changes that… Read More »