
[Paul Keres’] great skill in dealing with complications was developed largely through correspondence play. -Max Euwe, the 5th Classical World Chess… Read More »
"Modern correspondence chess isn't all about CPU power (although that obviously helps), but more about how you prepare each move and how you work… Read More »
When a Master of the initiative meets a Master of defense, the game is sure to be difficult.Read More »
Danny Horwitz has won the 2016 Absolute Championship by a full point over a cluster of rivals.Read More »
Barry Walker of Columbia, Missouri, showed his staying power in a withdrawal plagued 2016 John Collins.  Barry persevered, and his strong chess… Read More »
Thomas Biedermann is no stranger to this column. He has been here many times before – He was co-champion in the 16th US Correspondence Championship.… Read More »
Did you ever wonder what your opponent really means in his note to you scrawled on his postcard? Read More »
Max Zavanelli was born August 20, 1946 and died January 27, 2018.  In those seventy plus years, Max contributed a lot to correspondence chess,… Read More »
Olga Rubtsova was the only person to become Women's World Champion in both OTB and Correspondence Chess.Read More »
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