JJ Lang

GM Elshan Moradiabadi at the 2022 U.S. Open. Photo: Mark Cieslikowski
GM Elshan Moradiabadi and IM Viktor Matviishen lead the field with 6½/7, trailed closely by five GMs and two IMs a half-point behind. This pack… Read More »
2022 U.S. Open. Photo: Mark Cieslikowski
With the first four rounds of the accelerated four-day schedule in the books, over 400 players are now competing in Rancho Mirage after day six. The… Read More »
2022 US Open
The traditional schedule of the U.S. Open is more than halfway complete as we enter day six at Rancho Mirage. This can only mean one thing: it’s time… Read More »
GM Daniel Naroditsky calculating at the 2022 U.S. Open. Photo: Mark Cieslikowski
The field nearly tripled in size yesterday as the six-day schedule of the U.S. Open kicked off with numerous titled players joining the fray. Playing… Read More »
2022 U.S. Open. Photo: Mark Cieslikowski
Invitationals After back-to-back double-round days in the invitationals, only one game remains before the champions are determined and the… Read More »
2022 U.S. Open Playing Hall
While things are still quiet at the top of the standings after two rounds of the traditional schedule of the 122nd Annual U.S. Open Chess… Read More »
Action from the 2022 Weeramantry Blitz
The 122nd U.S. Open began Saturday with blitz, bughouse, and bombast. Oh, and the first of nine days of serious chess kicked off as well, with a seat… Read More »
USATN 2022 UChicago B
Over Presidents Day Weekend, 332 chess players formed 79 teams in Schaumburg, just north of Chicago, Illinois for the 2022 U.S. Amateur Team North (… Read More »
Chris Merli and Alex Lenderman
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? After pressing an advantage for several hours, we convince ourselves we missed our best chances and… Read More »
2021 U.S. Open logoi
With only one round remaining, the race is heating up in Cherry Hill. The race for second place, that is. GM Aleksandr… Read More »
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