Colonel David A Hater

Jeffrey Xiong at the 2015 US Junior Closed Championship, Photo Saint Louis Chess Club While much of the country was occupied with Amateur… Read More »
While most of the Eastern United States was trying to survive Winter Storm Jonas, cadets from the United States Military Academy migrated north to… Read More »
GMs Andrey Stukopin, Eugene Perelshteyn, and IM Andrey Gorovets tied for first in the 2016 Golden State Open. Our coverage includes some of the most… Read More »
The longest continuously running US Chess rated scholastic championships  is the Greater New York Scholastic Championships.  It is the only… Read More »
Awonder Liang vs. Alex Ostrovskiy, Photo Neot Doron-Repa IM Alexander Ostrovskiy pulled off the hat trick by winning (almost) everything… Read More »
GM Alexander Shabalov at the 2015 US Open, Photo FM Mike Klein The 4th Annual Boston Chess Congress was held January 8-10th at the Hyatt… Read More »
We are all familiar with the famous "Swiss gambit" - taking an early round half point to get easier pairings.  In the 2015 Empire City Open, GM… Read More »
IM Kannappan, Photo STL Chess Club The 24th Annual King’s Island Open was held in Cincinnati, Ohio November 13-15th.  This tournament is… Read More »
New York is one of the top chess states in the country but Central NY does not see that many strong tournaments. David A. Hater examines two recent… Read More »
IM Nazi Paikidze took first in the Boardwalk Open on tiebreak in a tournament that David A. Hater writes was "full of tricks and treats." Read More »
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