Brian Jerauld

Challengers Chess Tour - Kramnik vs. Polgar
Carissa Yip, Awonder Liang and Christopher Yoo will play in a series of high-stakes international Junior events organized by the World Champion's… Read More »
World University Online Chess Championships
The two Missouri schools each earned a gold and silver medal in the collegiate Blitz and Rapid Championships. UT-RGV won bronze in both events.Read… Read More »
Wesley So Magnus Carlsen Invitational
The US Chess Champion stumbled in the semifinals against eventual winner Giri, then dropped the third-place match to the World Champion.Read More »
GM Mikhail Antipov earned bronze in the Open and IM Olga Badelka brought home silver in the Women's Championship. WIM Alicja Sliwicka from UT-RGV… Read More »
Fischer Wins Interzonal, from Chess Life and Review, January 1971
Fifty years ago, history's greatest American chess player had begun his march to the World Chess Championship - and he almost missed the first step.… Read More »
The Champions Chess Tour's second "Major" event offers an increased $220,000 prize fund and an invitation to the tour finale in September.Read More »
The fourth tournament in the Champions Chess Tour is a Major event offering $200,000 and an invitation to the September tour finals.Read More »
The New York Grandmaster knocked off three other GMs and finished a full point ahead of the pack.Read More »
GM Wesley So Wins the Opera Euro Rapid
The US Champion beat GM Magnus Carlsen in a Valentine's Day final, the second time in a row in the Champions Chess Tour.Read More »
US Chess Champion Wesley So defeated GM Teimour Radjabov in the Champions Tour semifinals Friday, and will face the World Champion on Saturday.Read… Read More »
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