US Chess

Out of concern for the health and safety of the players, parents, coaches and staff with the potential spread of COVID-19, the Renaissance Knights… Read More »
An online FIDE Arbiters' Seminar is being organized June 5-8. The FA seminar is open to participants from all countries and is recommended… Read More »
US Chess announces that the 2020 U.S. Open has been canceled due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 global pandemic. It will not be rescheduled.… Read More »
With so much great material here at Chess Life Online, it’s easy to miss something that you might otherwise have wanted to read. So we here at US… Read More »
Don Schultz, a former US Chess President (1996-1999) and member of the FIDE Executive Board (1982-1990), died Monday, April 20, in New Jersey. He was… Read More »
A recently released decision by the US Chess Executive Board cleared the path for organizers across the country to run US Chess rated events online.… Read More »
In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the associated Level 4 Travel Advisory issued by the U.S. State Department, the US Chess Executive Board… Read More »
On March 25, 2020, the US Chess Executive Board passed the following motion 7-0: The Executive Board (EB) moves that all games submitted by… Read More »
A personal message from US Chess Executive Director Carol Meyer Dear Friends in Chess: During this time, unprecedented in all of our… Read More »
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