Pete Karagianis

Registration for the 2019 Pan American Youth Championships, to be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, will commence Monday, April 22nd and last until Friday… Read More »
Registration for the 2019 World Cadet event, to be held in Weifang, China, will commence Monday, April 15th and last until Wednesday, May 15th 2019.… Read More »
Contact: Pete Karagianis US Chess Assistant Director of Events The US Chess Federation is pleased to… Read More »
Photo Ian Battaglia Grandmasters Boris Avrukh (IL) and Fidel Corrales-Jiminez tied for top honors at the 2016 Midwest Class tournament… Read More »
Photo Anne Buskirk Takeaway 1: Material Matters Sometimes, in chess, greed is punished mightily. Other times, however, avarice… Read More »
IM Ruifeng Li vs. GM Joel Benjamin. Photo: Anne Buskirk Ruifeng Li was able to keep his tenuous lead over the field at the 117th Annual US… Read More »
Luke Harmon-Vellotti, Photo Betsy Dynako Zacate The recently concluded 25th Annual Chicago Open was headlined by a quartet of young norm-… Read More »
As the All-Girls Nationals (April 22-24) and Elementary Nationals (May 6-8) loom, Pete Karagianis pinpoints eight lessons from the Junior High School… Read More »
GM Alexander Shimanov, Photo The 2016 Mid-American Open saw no shortage of titled… Read More »
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