Jennifer Shahade

Liz Spiegel on Open Files
Renowned coach Elizabeth Spiegel returns to the US Chess Girls Club with a class on the 7th rank, a follow-up on her January session about Open Files… Read More »
madwomanbookclub with Queen of Katwe, featuring Phiona Mutesi
Phiona "The Queen of Katwe" Mutesi visited our US Chess Girls Club in February. She spoke about a beautiful win she scored at the 2010 Olympiad in… Read More »
John Leguizamo, Girls Club Room flyer
Actor and producer John Leguizamo, the star and director of "Critical Thinking" spoke to our US Chess Girls Club about the process of making, casting… Read More »
Sabrina Chevannes
Women International Master, author and entrepreneur Sabrina Chevannes is our February guest on Ladies Knight. Sabrina talks about how she… Read More »
Alexandra and Andrea Botez, in a promo graphic for their US Chess Women appearance
International streaming stars Alexandra and Andrea Botez visited our US Chess Girls Club room to talk about the serious training behind blitz chess.… Read More »
Liz Spiegel on Open Files
On January 21st, Thursday at 5:30 PM EST, renowned chess coach Elizabeth Spiegel will be teaching a class on "Open Files" to our US Chess Women Girls… Read More »
Nadya Ortiz, Graphic
On Thursday, January 14th WGM Nadya Ortiz will talk about the importance of having a fighting spirit to our Girls Club for US Chess Members. Nadya… Read More »
Beth Harmon, seen from behind, preparing for a big game
In a bonus episode of Ladies Knight we bring you William Horberg, the Executive Producer of The Queen’s Gambit. Horberg talks to Jennifer Shahade… Read More »
Maria Konnikova, author
Award-winning author, New Yorker writer and psychology PHD Maria Konnikova enters the GRID to talk about her first book, Mastermind: How to Think… Read More »
Sabina Foisor on Sherlock's Method
On December 10th at 5 PM EST, WGM and 2017 US Women's Champion Sabina Foisor will be our special guest in our "Girls Club ZOOM." Sabina will talk… Read More »
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