US Chess

Chess in Chicago is booming. The mayor's office even tweeted good luck to the city's teams en route to Nashville for SuperNationalsVI. … Read More »
Watch our new video series, Cheat Day & Chess, where US Chess editor Jen Shahade eats calorific treats while reviewing dramatic chess victories… Read More »
On May 7, Sunday evening, SuperNationals VI pre-registrations eclipsed previous records and we are now on track to hosting the largest rated chess… Read More »
Don't forget to register as a US Chess Voting member this week to make sure your voice is heard in the 2017 Executive Board elections. Eligible… Read More »
The US Chess Ratings committee annual review has determined that there is some uncontrolled inflation in the system, and to combat the inflation we… Read More »
On March 21, 2017, we published a request for proposals for the further development and redesign of our website. Find a follow-up document RFP Q+A… Read More »
Sabina Foisor, 2017 US Women's Chess Champion , Photo Austin Fuller for the Saint Louis Chess Club Two more “big names” have been added… Read More »
Alexander Onischuk, Photo IM Eric Rosen As the US Chess Championship draws to a close, three players lead the Open section: Wesley So,… Read More »
Thalia Cervantes (MO), is currently leading the top section in Chicago (Under 18) The Kasparov Chess Foundation All-Girls Nationals (… Read More »
In the most dramatic round so far in the US Chess Championships, World #2 Wesley So won a spectacular game over World Junior Champ Jeffery Xiong. The… Read More »
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