
The largest World Youth delegation in US Chess history is arriving in Greece this weekend for ten days of intense competition.Read More »
Tate accepting his 2nd Armed Forces Championship title Brilliant tactician, International Master and 5-time Armed Forces Champion Emory… Read More »
From a simultaneous under a space rocket in Alabama to blindfold simuls in California, National Chess Day celebrations abounded on October 10, 2015.… Read More »
As the Millionaire Chess Open heats up in Las Vegas, National Chess Day is celebrated all over the US. Please share your stories!Read More »
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Two Sigma Investments, the 2015 World Youth US chess team will sport custom designed uniforms when they travel… Read More »
Michael Khodarkovsky US Chess Delegate to FIDE reports on the FIDE Chess Congress in Abu Dhabi , and the reaction to a proposal to endorse Kirsan… Read More »
Check out a wrap-up of several summer Grand Prix tourneys hosted by Continental Chess, including the Atlantic Open, where GMs Sergey Erenburg, GM… Read More »
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