Colonel David A Hater

Cherepanov started the tournament as the 3rd seed behind Defending Champion GM Alonso Zapata and Senior Master Deepak Aaron. He played both of his… Read More »
The Master section was extremely strong. There were 21 players, and one third were GMs!Read More »
In round 7, Sevian faced second seed GM Vladmir Belous on board 1. Sevian had the black pieces and trailed Belous, who led the tournament by half a… Read More »
This year marked the 50th Anniversary of the New York State Scholastic Championship, and, as befits such a milestone, this year’s attendance… Read More »
The 62-player Open section was quite strong, which should be no surprise given the St Louis location. Many Webster students played as well as… Read More »
Andretta now was leading the tournament with a 2700+ GM and an FM all with 2 ½ out of 3! On Sunday morning, Andretta was on board one against Perez… Read More »
GM Li had white against Gorovets and needed the win in order to tie for 1st. He brought home the full point. Read More »
Having directed tournaments for over 35 years, there is a tendency to believe I’ve seen just about everything that could occur at a tournament.… Read More »
The Southwest Class Championship ended in a 5 way tie for 1st and produced one GM and three IM norms where the average age was 22 years old! Read… Read More »
This scholastic tournament draws many of the best players in the region. This year there were six masters, including 2 FIDE masters. Part of the… Read More »
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