Round seven of the U.S. Championships saw a sole leader emerge or remain in all three championships. However, none of these leaders have guaranteed...
July 2023

Round six of the U.S. Championships saw a mix of crushing attacks and subtle endgames, with the leader(s) in all three sections remaining unchanged...

Download our printable bulletin of round 12 here. For the first time since the 2010 World Championship match between GM Viswanathan Anand and GM...

Download our printable bulletin of round 11 here. The penultimate game of the 2023 Women’s World Championship is full of “what ifs.” If challenger Lei...

Editor's note: This story first appeared in the July 2023 issue of Chess Life Magazine. Consider becoming a US Chess member for more content like this...

It’s been 13 years since a tied world championship match was decided in the final two games, with Anand defeating Topalov in the final game of a tied...

The U.S. Junior Championship (Junior), U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship (Girls’), and U.S. Senior Championship (Senior) participants have a rest day on...

Welcome to July 2023 edition of One Move at a Time, the show where we highlight people and organizations that are advancing our US Chess mission...

Last week, we highlighted some moments from the rapid portion of the 2023 Grand Chess Tour's SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia event. But the talk of...

With four rounds completed at the 2023 U.S. Championships, we’ve seen enough games to have some idea of who will be fighting for the coveted titles...

Please download our printable bulletin and follow along with IM Nazi Paikidze's annotations for this round. GM Lei Tingjie’s preparation with 1. e4...

ELECTION UPDATE JULY 19 The Chief Teller has concluded the recount and provided the following statement: “During the recount process it was discovered...