US Chess Delegates approved new rules for online play at the August Special Delegates Meeting. Tim Just gives you a quick guide.
August 2020

Grandmaster and seven-time US Women's Champion Irina Krush will be leading our August 20th ZOOM girls club at 6 PM EDT, where she'll go over some of...

US Chess writers, columnists, photographers, and videographers took home the lion’s share of awards presented by the Chess Journalists of America (CJA...

On the August episode of Ladies Knight, Jennifer interviews author, chess teacher and speaker Lauren Goodkind. Goodkind is a popular Bay Area teacher...

Newly elected Executive Board member David Hater has the first of two reports on the 2020 World Open and its preliminaries.

US Chess is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Executive Board: President: Mike Hoffpauir Vice President: Randy Bauer Vice President of Finance: Chuck...

US Chess is pleased to announce the release of our 2020 Annual Report. As a cost-saving measure in this difficult year, the report has been created as...

A Rapid Online Tournament to Benefit US Chess will be held Saturday, August 29th, 2020 on and

This week's “The TD Show” will be a special episode aimed at Club and Local TDs and will air at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on Thursday, August 13 on the...

The Mechanics' Institute is proud to organize The Blitz Tournament of the Americas on Saturday, August 15 at 3pm Pacific. The event is exclusively for...

GM Alex Fishbein wins the 2020 Senior. Evan Park and Jason Liang share first in the Barber. Alex Zhang takes top honors in the Rockefeller.

Effective Tuesday, September 1, 2020, US Chess will charge $0.25 per game for online tournaments submitted through the Tournament Report Form on the...