WIM Dr Alexey Root

GM Hans Niemann won a Super Grandmaster Match, with a prize fund of $50,000, against GM Vidit Gujrathi on June 22, 2024. The Universal Chess Tour (… Read More »
After more than four-and-a-half years of anticipation, the first round of the inaugural U.S. Senior Women’s Championship happened on November 3, 2023… Read More »
Mishra and friends
The U.S. Junior Championship (Junior), U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship (Girls’), and U.S. Senior Championship (Senior) participants have a rest day… Read More »
Editor’s note: From July 15–25 at the Saint Louis Chess Club (SLCC), chess is the big sensation. But it doesn’t stop there. Earlier this month, SLCC… Read More »
board 1
The National Middle School Championship has over 1,250 players. Franc Guadalupe, Chief Tournament Director, says 1,260 players registered. Bill… Read More »
Van Delft with Kids
Image   On Feb. 22, the University of Texas at… Read More »
Dr. Alexey Root is looking for the following six games to complete her book, United States Women's Chess Champions. Two of the games were played in… Read More »
Outdoor chess tournament at the Lincoln Square Chess Club.
In part two of her outdoor chess series, WIM Alexey Root profiles organizers in New York City, Chicago and Fremont, CA.Read More »
The Katowice Market Square in Poland features outdoor chess tournaments throughout the summer. (photo credit Olga Krzyzykk)
WIM Dr. Alexey Root looks at international outdoor chess and interviews Jeffrey Vollmer, who organizes US Chess-rated outdoor tournaments in St.… Read More »
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