Upcoming Tournaments
32 Pieces strives to provide affordable online and OTB tournament options. View our full weekly schedule here: https://www.32pieces.com. We are happy...
Everyone is welcome to play at the game vault with a chess member monthly events 2nd Tuesdays fee 20.00 with cash prizes to the 1st and 2nd place...
Weekly Homeschool Online Tournament Mondays 10am-12pm Pacific / 1pm-3pm Eastern 5 Rounds - G5;+3 Fee is $20. (10% off for siblings and for prepaid 4...
Every second and fourth Monday night, there will be a three-round, USCF-rated tournament at North Henry Baptist Church, 1093 Flat Rock Rd, Stockbridge...
EF: $45, Quads grouped according to rating. Lowest rated players may play a 5-7 player Swiss system tournament three rounds. Rounds: 6:15pm, 7:15pm, 8...
USCF rated Round Robin Blitz G/3 inc 2. Limit 48 players. 3 Sections A,B and C of up to 16 players each. Section A prizes: $100-60-40, Section B...
G/10 d:3 - 5 rounds. EF$30, Prizes b/30 up to 48: $200-100, Under 2200: $80, Under 2000: $60, Under 1600: $60 in books and chess DVDs. Rounds: 6:15pm...
Three Separate events with best result prize for all three: Entry Fee: $60 for all three events, $25/event. Rapid 4SS G/10 d:3, Blitz G/3 inc 2, 4...
G/45 d5, 4SS. Rounds 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm EF:$80 Prizes: b/30 maximum 48: $400,250, Under 2200: $300,$150, Under 1900: $150-100, Under 1600...
Sunday USCF rated Blitz G/3 inc.2, 9SS, EF$50, Prizes: b/30 maximum 48: $300-$200-$100, U2200:$130, U1900:$130, U1600-$100. Rounds start at 5:30pm and...
Sunday Bughouse Tournament (unrated) 4SS G/5. EF:$60/team. Up to 24 teams. Prizes b/12 teams: $200-$150-$100. Round times: 7:15pm, 7:30pm, 7:45pm, 8pm...
Sunday USCF rated G/15 inc.3, 6SS, EF:$60. Prizes b/30, maximum 48: $400,250,100, U2200 - $150, U1900 - $150, U1600 - $100. Rounds: 12pm,1:30pm, 2...
top 3 get prizes and fee is 20,00 all is welcome
USCF Rated Swiss, 3 Rounds, G/30+ 5 sec delay EF: $50 On site $60 Trophies, medals, certificates top 3 https://www.lowerbuckschessacademy.com...
Quads Over 1000 3 Rounds G/45 + 5 sec delay EF: $50...$60 On site 1st Place $150 Time: 9.15 AM https://www.lowerbuckschessacademy.com/tournaments
About the event Starts at 6:50pm 3-RR, G/25; d5 Entry fee: $25 for Chess Advance students; $5 extra for other players Space is limited, max 28 players...
Unlock Your Chess Potential at Newark JFK Recreation! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of chess? Newark JFK Recreation is thrilled to...
Murfreesboro Monthly Club Tournaments: Blitz or Quick
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Murfreesboro Chess Club
Round Robin(s): Sectioned by TD (3-Round Swiss for Quick Events). Time Control: 3+2 (15+3 for Quick Events). Registration: 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM...
St. Augustine Thursday Night Rapid Chess for Charity Club is coming to St. Augustine! We have partnered with St. Augustine chess players to hold a...
Charles Village Chess Weekly Rapid Quads Tournament: USCF Rated G/20 Quads Entry fee: $10 Vision House (136 w 25th st.) opens at 6:00pm, please...