Upcoming Tournaments
Downriver Chess - Tuesday Night Club Play
New Orleans, Louisiana
Downriver Chess Club of New Orleans
Tuesdays at Morning Call, 5101 Canal Blvd Registration for 6:30 PM, pairings for 7 PM Five rounds over five weeks, G/90;d5, $5 entry fee (prizes at...
Downriver Chess - Thursday Night Club Play
New Orleans, Louisiana
Downriver Chess Club of New Orleans
Thursdays at Cafe Envie, 1241 Decatur St Registration for 6:45 PM, first round for 7 PM USCF-membership required Four rounds, G/15;d0, $1 entry fee (...
Every Saturday 11am-1pm Pacific / 2pm-4pm Eastern 5 Rounds - Online G5;+3. Fee is $20 (10% off for siblings and 10% off for 4 tournament packages)...
32 Pieces strives to provide affordable online and OTB tournament options. View our full weekly schedule here: https://www.32pieces.com. We are happy...
Everyone is welcome to play at the game vault with a chess member monthly events 2nd Tuesdays fee 20.00 with cash prizes to the 1st and 2nd place...
Every second and fourth Monday night, there will be a three-round, USCF-rated tournament at North Henry Baptist Church, 1093 Flat Rock Rd, Stockbridge...
EF: $45, Quads grouped according to rating. Lowest rated players may play a 5-7 player Swiss system tournament three rounds. Rounds: 6:15pm, 7:15pm, 8...
Weekly Homeschool Online Tournament Mondays 10am-12pm Pacific / 1pm-3pm Eastern 5 Rounds - G5;+3 Fee is $20. (10% off for siblings and for prepaid 4...
G/10 d:3 - 5 rounds. EF$30, Prizes b/30 up to 48: $200-100, Under 2200: $80, Under 2000: $60, Under 1600: $60 in books and chess DVDs. Rounds: 6:15pm...
USCF rated Round Robin Blitz G/3 inc 2. Limit 48 players. 3 Sections A,B and C of up to 16 players each. Section A prizes: $100-60-40, Section B...
Three Separate events with best result prize for all three: Entry Fee: $60 for all three events, $25/event. Rapid 4SS G/10 d:3, Blitz G/3 inc 2, 4...
G/45 d5, 4SS. Rounds 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm EF:$80 Prizes: b/30 maximum 48: $400,250, Under 2200: $300,$150, Under 1900: $150-100, Under 1600...
Sunday Bughouse Tournament (unrated) 4SS G/5. EF:$60/team. Up to 24 teams. Prizes b/12 teams: $200-$150-$100. Round times: 7:15pm, 7:30pm, 7:45pm, 8pm...
Sunday USCF rated Blitz G/3 inc.2, 9SS, EF$50, Prizes: b/30 maximum 48: $300-$200-$100, U2200:$130, U1900:$130, U1600-$100. Rounds start at 5:30pm and...
Sunday USCF rated G/15 inc.3, 6SS, EF:$60. Prizes b/30, maximum 48: $400,250,100, U2200 - $150, U1900 - $150, U1600 - $100. Rounds: 12pm,1:30pm, 2...
top 3 get prizes and fee is 20,00 all is welcome
Quads Over 1000 3 Rounds G/45 + 5 sec delay EF: $50...$60 On site 1st Place $150 Time: 9.15 AM https://www.lowerbuckschessacademy.com/tournaments
USCF Rated Swiss, 3 Rounds, G/30+ 5 sec delay EF: $50 On site $60 Trophies, medals, certificates top 3 https://www.lowerbuckschessacademy.com...
About the event Starts at 6:50pm 3-RR, G/25; d5 Entry fee: $25 for Chess Advance students; $5 extra for other players Space is limited, max 28 players...
Weekly Quad-formatted tournament on the Arkansas State University campus in Jonesboro. USCF rated as long as there are sufficient players for it...