Seniors Year by Year


2024 Invitationals Opening/Closing Program

2024 Pairings/Standings

2024 MSA Results

Chess Life Online Coverage


2023 Invitationals Opening/Closing Program

2023 Pairings/Standings


Opening/Closing Ceremony Program

2022 Irwin Standings

2022 Team Standings

MSA Results


MSA Results


MSA Results


CURRENT ENTRANTS LIST: please click here.


2020 Online Invitationals: Overview, Schedule, & Prizes

2020 Online Invitational: Rules

COVID-19 Update: please click here

2020 EVENT UPDATE: Please click here to access the document that was sent to all State Presidents and Scholastic Coordinators. It has all the information competitors will need for the 2020 online events being held this year and updates the information on this website.


Tournament Results

For the CLO Story, click here. 


Shelby Getz, 2019 Champion


Tournament Results

For the CLO story, click here.

Representing 41 states (and DC) in it's very first year, the National Senior Tournament of Champions made an admirable addition to the prestigious Denker, Barber, and National Girl's tournaments. The NSTOC’s first annual event took place July 28-31, 2018 alongside the U.S. Open at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton, WI. The average rating of the 42 players going into this year's tournament was well over 2,000 and included four Grandmasters: Alexander Fishbein (New Jersey), Alonso Zapata (Georgia), Enrico Sevillano (Southern California), and Michael Rohde (New York). At the end of six rounds, GM Alexander Fishbein (NJ) and GM Alonso Zapata (GA) both finished 5.0/6 with GM Alexander winning by tiebreak. GM Alonso Zapata (GA) won second place. FM Karl Dehmelt (PA), GM Michael Rohde (NY), and GM Enrico Sevillano (CA-S) all scored 4.5/6 each thereby finishing 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively. The Top Senior Prize (+75) went to NM Klaus Pohl (SC).

Plaque awards went to the best players by age group: Stuart A. Varden (MD) - U90; NM Sergey Berchenko (OH) - U80; NM Wilson Gibbins (MN) - U70; NM Tony Davis (AR) U60.

Upset Prizes were as follows: Upset Rd. 1 - Bryan Lilly (WI) $50 certificate, Upset Rd. 2 - Ramon Tagorda (LA) $50 certificate, Upset Rd. 3 - Kenneth Sloan (AL) $50 certificate, Upset Rd. 4 - Keith Prosterman (NE) $50 certificate, Upset Rd. 5 - Ignacio Perez (WA) $50 certificate, Upset Rd. 6 Michael Presutti (ID) $50 certificate.