2019-2020 Executive Board Documents

Executive Board Members

Allen Priest, President

Randy Bauer, Vice President

Chuck Unruh, Vice President of Finance

Mike Nietman, Secretary

Mike Hoffpauir, Member-at-Large

Hal Sprechman, Member-at-Large

Ryan Velez, Member-at-Large

Carol Meyer, Executive Director


Final Motions File with Quick Reference Guide:

Motions file with appendices


Minutes Documents

August 11,  2019



November 16-17, 2019


Audio 1 & 2 of the 16th

Audio 3 of the 16th

Audio 4 of the 16th

Audio of the 17th

January 19-20, 2020


Audio 1 of the 19th

Audio 2 of the 19th

Audio 3 of the 19th

Audio 1 of the 20th

Audio 2 of the 20th

Audio 3 of the 20th


The Impact of the COVID pandemic on the remainder of the 2019-2020 Executive Board record:

Normally, there would have been a May in-person meeting. However, the pandemic restrictions prevented this. The 2019-2020 board finished their duties via email throughout the rest of their term as can be seen by on the final motions file.

The 2020-2021 board began using Zoom as a platform for meetings and the normal routine of providing meeting recordings and minutes resumed.


2020 Election Information