Washington Class Championships

Junior Grand Prix
Redmond Marriott Seattle

Event Overview

Washington Class Championships

Fri-Sun, November 25-27, 2022

$12,000 Prize Fund (based on 150 paid entries)

Format: A 6-round Swiss event across 7 class sections. Sections may be combined if less than 12 players in a section.

Per-Section Entry Fees (by Oct 28 / Nov 11 / on-site) & Prizes:

• Master (2200+) EF $170 / $180 / $190Prizes: $700, $450, $350; U2300 $250, $200

• Expert (2000-2199) EF $160 / $170 / $180 Prizes: $600, $350, $250; U2100 $200, $150

• Class A (1800-1999) EF $150 / $160 / $170 Prizes: $500, $300, $200; U1900 $170, $125

• Class B (1600-1799) EF $150 / $160 / $170 Prizes: $500, $300, $200; U1700 $170, $125

• Class C (1400-1599) EF $150 / $160 / $170 Prizes: $500, $300, $200; U1500 $170, $125

• Class D (1200-1399) EF $150 / $160 / $170 Prizes: $500, $300, $200; U1300 $170, $125

• Class E (1199 & Under) EF $150 / $160 / $170 Prizes: $500, $300, $200; U1000 $170, $125; U800 $100, $50; Unrated $100

Highest finishing WA resident in the Master, Expert, Class A, and Class B sections seeded into the 2023 WA State Championship, in the Championship, Premier, Invitational, and Challengers sections, respectively.

Mixed Doubles Prizes: Best male-female 2-player team combined score among all sections: $300- $200-$100. Avg team rating must be under 2000; may play in different sections. Register (no extra fee) before both players begin round 2. Players may win Mixed Doubles prizes in addition to other prizes.

Special Prizes (per class section):

Best Female Player: $50. Awarded to the highest finishing female per class who does not win another cash prize. Requires min 3 qualifying players per class.

Best Annotated Game: $50, $25, 1-yr NWC ext. Submit one annotated game from the event that you consider to be interesting or well-played. A panel of judges will select the winners.

Hotel Info/Rates: Seattle Marriott Redmond, $119 one King or two Queen Beds, single or double occupancy. Call (425) 498-4000 to request the Washington Chess Federation block. Group Booking Code: WCNWCNR. Cut-off date for discounted reservations is Nov 4, 2022.

Entry Fees: Rated players add $85 if wanting to play up one class only. (Playing up two classes is not permitted.) Seniors (age 50+) please subtract $50. Free entry to GMs, IMs, and WGMs. Reentry for ½ of original entry fee. Canadians may pay C$ at par for entry fee.

Info: Josh Sinanan, WCF President, 206-769-3757, WashingtonChessFederation@gmail.com

Health/Safety: All players and parents (if U18) are required to sign the WCF Health / Safety Protocols & Waiver of Liability form prior to the start of the tournament.

Main Event: Note: The overall schedule is designed so that you can play in the Main Event and in several of the Side Events (see next page for details) with minimum half-point byes!

Registration & Payment: Before event: nwchess.com/OnlineRegistration/ (pay by credit/debit/PayPal) or make checks payable to Washington Chess Federation. On-site: Fri 9-10 AM for 3-day schedule, or 4-5 PM if entering with 1 half-point bye. Sat 8-8:30 AM for 2-day schedule, or 9-10 AM if entering 3-day schedule with 2 half-point byes. Late registrations may receive a half-point bye for round 1. Two half-point byes available; if interested, request before end of round 2. Play any 2 days, if taking 2 half-point byes.

Rating: Dual rated US Chess and NWSRS. Master/Expert/Class A/Class B sections also FIDE rated (except G/60 games). Higher of US Chess Regular or Online (Nov 1st supplement), FIDE, and NWSRS ratings used to determine class sections, pairings, and prizes. Higher of US Chess and foreign ratings used at TD discretion; foreign ratings used for players with no US Chess rating. Unrated players eligible only for 1st / 2nd / 3rd prizes in Master section or the Unrated prize in Class E section.


3-day schedule: Fri 11 AM & 6 PM, Sat 11 AM & 6 PM, Sun 10 AM & 4 PM.

2-day: Sat 9 AM, 11:45 AM, 2:30 PM, then join 3-day schedule from round 4 at 6 PM.

Time Controls:

3-day schedule: 40/120, SD/30 with a 10-second increment per move. Late default: 60 minutes.

2-day schedule: G/60 with a 10-second increment (rounds 1-3); rounds 4-6 same as 3-day schedule.

Miscellaneous: Current US Chess membership and WCF/OCF/ICA membership required in all sections. Other states accepted. Memberships may be paid at time of registration. US Chess Grand Prix Points: 40. US Chess Junior Grand Prix. No Computers. Wheelchair accessible. All equipment is provided. Please bring a digital clock, if available.

Fun Side Events!

Thanksgiving Scholastic Fri, 11/25 at 9:15 AM (during round 1)

This event is a WA State Elementary Qualifier! Establish or update your rating!

Format: A 5-round Swiss tournament in 4 sections: K-3 U800, K-3 Open, 4-12 U900, 4-12 Open. Play-up allowed into Open sections.

Eligibility: Open to all K-12 students; grade is based on 2022/23 school year.

Entry Fee: $45 if registered by 11/18, $55 after. Room for max 90 players – register early!

Time Control: G/25; d5.

Awards: Amazon Gift Cards in each section: 1 st $100, 2nd $90, 3rd $80. Special Prizes (per section): Medals for firsttimers, best female player (by TPR), and biggest upset.

Rounds: 9:15 AM, 10:30, 11:45, lunch, 1:30 PM, and 2:45 PM. Awards ceremony 4 PM or ASAP.

Rating: Highest of Nov 2022 supplement US Chess / US Chess Online, or current NWSRS rating used to determine section and prizes.

Registration: 100% pre-registered, no on-site entries or payments. Entry + payment deadline: Wed, 11/23 @ 5 PM. Unpaid players will be withdrawn from the event.

Carol Kleist Memorial Adult Swiss

Sponsored by the Seattle Chess Club, with generous support from Henry Yan. Fri-Sun, 11/25-27 at 11 AM & 4 PM

Format: A 6-round Swiss in one section.

Time Control: G/90; +30.

Entry Fee: $60 online (by Thu, 11/24 @ 5 PM) or $70 onsite. Entry fee waived for new unrated players who purchase memberships.

Registration: Fri 10:00-10:30 AM (unless entering with half-point byes). Current US Chess membership and WCF/OCF/ICA membership required.

Rounds: Fri 10 AM & 4 PM, Sat 10 AM & 4 PM, Sun 10 AM & 4 PM.

2 half-point byes available; if interested, request before end of round 2.

Rating: US Chess only rated. Higher of Nov 2022 US Chess / US Chess Online ratings used to determine pairings and prizes.

Prize fund: $1,000 (guaranteed). 1st $200, 2nd $150, 3rd $110, 1st U2000 / U1700 / U1400 / U1100 or Unrated $90, Biggest upset: $90, Best Female player (by TPR): $90.

WA Class Puzzle Solving Championship

Fri, 11/25 at 5 PM (between rounds 1 and 2)

Format: Solve 15 chess puzzles in 45 minutes. Solutions to be written on paper. Evaluation based on both accuracy and completeness.

Registration: 4:00-4:45 PM.

Entry fee: $10. No memberships required.

Awards: Medals awarded to top-3 overall finishers and to the best puzzle solver in each class: U2000, U1700, U1400, & Unrated.

WA Class 3rd Annual Chess Workshop for Girls & Women

Fri, 11/25 at 6 PM (during round 2)

Format: Workshop led by WFM Chouchan Airapetian (chornyaa@msn.com, 206- 914-4252), experienced chess coach, organizer, and promoter; former US Women’s Championship contender; WCF Women’s and Girl’s Chess Director.

Registration: 5:45-6:00 PM.

Entry fee: Free!

Schedule: 6PM-7PM - “How to develop & cultivate women’s and girls’ chess.” 7PM-8PM - Q&A, complementary pizza & refreshments, and ladies’ bughouse.

WA Class “WaldowChess” Championship

Sat, 11/26 at 9 AM (before round 3)

Format: 4-round Swiss in one section. Unrated.

Time control: G/10; +3.

Description: Play begins with White to move having already played e4 and d4. In return for this handicap, Black receives draw odds!

Registration: 8:30-8:45 AM.

Entry fee: $20. No memberships required.

Rounds: 9 AM, 9:30, 10:00, and 10:30AM.

1 half-point bye available; request by end of round 2.

Prize Fund: $150/b10. 1st $40, 2nd $30, 3rd $20, 1st U2000/U1700/U1400/Unr $15.

WA Class Chess960 (Fischer Random) Championship

Sat, 11/26 at 4 PM (between rounds 3 and 4)

Format: 4-round Swiss in one section. Unrated.

Time control: G/10; +3. Registration: 3:30-3:45 PM.

Entry fee: $20. No memberships required.

Rounds: 4 PM, 4:30, 5:00, and 5:30 PM. 1 half-point bye available; request by end of round 2.

Prize Fund: $300/b20. 1st $80, 2nd $60, 3rd $40, 1st U2000/U1700/U1400/Unr $30.

WA Class G/45 Championship

Sun, 11/27 at 1:30 PM (during round 6)

Format: 4-round Swiss in one section. Dual rated - US Chess and NWSRS.

Time control: G/45; +5. Registration: 12:30-1:15 PM.

Entry fee: $25 online by Sat, 11/26 (or $30 on-site). Current US Chess and WCF/OCF/ICA memberships required.

Rounds: 1:30 PM, 3:15, 5:00, and 6:45 PM. 1 half-point bye available; request by end of round 2.

Prize Fund: $400/b20. 1st $100, 2nd $80, 3rd $60, 1st U2000/U1700/U1400/Unr $40.

WA Class “Knight Time” Blitz

Sun, 11/27 at 8:30 PM (after round 6)

Format: 7-round Swiss in one section. US Chess Blitz rated.

Time control: G/5; +2. Registration: 8:00-8:15 PM.

Entry fee: $25 online by Sat, 11/26 (or $30 on-site).

Current US Chess and WCF/OCF/ICA memberships required.

Rounds: 8:30 PM, 8:45, 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, 10:00 PM.

2 half-point byes available; request by end of round 2.

Prize Fund: $400/b20. 1st $100, 2nd $80, 3rd $60. 1st U2000/U1700/U1400/U1100 or Unr $40.


7401 164th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
United States

Sections: 7
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: 12,000
FIDE Rated: Yes
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Washington Chess Federation
Email: WashingtonChessFederation@gmail.com
Phone: 206-769-3757