Veterans Day Tournament San Angelo, USCF-Rated Swiss

Belmore Baptist Church

Event Overview

Veterans Day Tournament

San Angelo, USCF-Rated Swiss

Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024



LOCATION: Belmore Baptist Church, 1214 S. Bell St., San Angelo, TX 76903. Playing hall is in the building across the side street (Medina) from the main church building. 

Late Register and all payments: 9:00-9:15 am. First Round: 9:30 a.m. Other rounds ASAP. A break will be given for lunch. 

Prizes: Cash prizes dependent on number of entries. 

Additional Information

Format: 4 Round Swiss, everyone plays all games, no elimination. 

Time Controls: G/45; d5. Affects both Regular and Quick USCF Ratings. Notation is required until either player has less than 5 minutes remaining of their time. Beginners may be excused from notation (with a possible time penalty) at the Director’s discretion.

Pre-Registration and Fees: Please pre-register if possible. Entry Fee is $20 for Adults; $10 for players under age 19 (or still in high school). FREE PRE-REGISTRATION TO ALL ACTIVE U.S. MILITARY AND VETERANS. To pre-register, send email to Click here to show mail address by Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024. Include name, USCF number, expiration date, and current rating. Advance payment of tournament entry fee is not necessary; you will pay when you arrive. 

YOU MUST BE VERIFIED AS A PAID, CURRENT MEMBER OF USCF before you register for this tournament. (Join or renew at

Late/On-Site Registration: If you do not pre-register, you can register and pay the on-site entry fee of $25 adult/$15 under age 19 (or still in high school). MILITARY REGISTERING ON-SITE will pay $10 entry fee.

Payment: Pay entry fee (cash or credit card) when you arrive at tournament. 

Equipment: Sets and clocks provided, or you may use your own delay-capable digital clock. USCF-approved electronic notation devices will be allowed. NO active cell phones or other electronics in the playing area. Turn them completely off and put them in your bag or backpack. Do not take your phone out of the room with you during any game.

Food: Several restaurants are within easy driving distance of site, including Little Caesers, Taco Bell, Roosters (fried chicken), KFC, Wienerschnitzel, McDonalds, and others. Or feel free to pack a lunch.

Organizer: San Angelo Chess Club, Brenda Hardesty, Senior Tournament Director. Cell: 325-716-0096. Land-line: 325-853-2324, EmailClick here to show mail address 


1214 S. Bell St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
United States

Sections: 1
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: cash prizes based on entries
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: No
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Brenda Hardesty
Phone: 3258532324