Why Register to Vote
Becoming a voting member of US Chess allows you to vote for who will serve on the US Chess Executive Board. Elections are currently held biannually with electronic ballots sent out in June and counted in July. The board members elected are confirmed at the annual meeting that year.
Who Can Be a Voting Member
To be eligible to register as a US Chess Voting Member, you must be a current US Chess member with a membership of one year or greater. Voting members must be age 16 or over as of June 30 of the election year.
In addition, eligible members must register to vote by 11:59:59 PM Central Time on May 1st of the year in which the election is held.
Once registered, a member’s status as a Voting Member continues as long as he or she is a member. When a membership lapses, Voting Member status ceases. As soon as lapsed members renew their membership, they can register to vote again.
How to Register to Vote
To register, log in to this website and use the button for registering to vote on your dashboard.
You can also request to be registered to vote by sending your US Chess ID number to governance@gmail.com and our staff will register you.
The Online Ballot
US Chess uses ElectionBuddy.com to conduct the election, with oversight by the US Chess Election Committee. We will send you a link to participate in the Election. That email will come from US Chess (invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com) and will have the subject: Vote now: US Chess – [current year] Executive Board Election. If your invitation does not arrive as expected, please check your spam folder before contacting US Chess to request a replacement link.