Event Overview
About the Space Coast Chess Tournament Series (excluding the Space Coast Open):
- This a series that features a chess tournament approximately once a month.
- Events are one-day and US Chess dual-rated (count for both regular rating and quick chess rating).
- Time control is Game in 30 minutes with a 5 second delay per move.
- Tournaments are 5 rounds Swiss System (5SS).
- The First Round starts at 9:15 AM.
- Later rounds will start ASAP. There will be a lunch break after Round 2.
Sections and Prizes (sections may be combined if a section has less than 6 players):
- Open Tournament Sections (Non-scholastics / Open to all)
- OPEN Section (minimum rating of 1600 required)
- Under 1600 Section (open to under 1600 and unrated)
- Prizes: 50% of Open Section Entries Fees will be returned as cash prizes.
Scholastic Tournament Sections:
- K-1 (pre-K welcome)
- K-3
- K-5
- K-8
- K-12
Frank T. Forester Recreation Center, 960 Cogswell St, Rockledge, FL 32955
Entry Fee:
$25 for all sections if received by the Wednesday prior to the tournament.
If received later, $5 more. If you enter on-site, you must be on the registration line by 9:00am or you may get a ½-point bye for round 1.
All refunds are subject to a $5 service charge. Refunds for withdrawals must be requested before the first round is paired.
More Info and additional event rules:
See the Space Coast Chess Foundation (SCCF) Rules posted here for additional rules applicable to this event.
No food or drink is permitted in the playing hall, except water or other beverages provided they are in tightly closed containers.
Food is permitted in the skittles room, but you must clear all trash when done.
Please Do Not Crowd around any posted pairings, standings, or other posted notices, or in areas used by our event.
US Chess (USCF) membership is required. If the USCF website does not show you as a current member you will not be paired. If joining USCF include the membership payment with your registration.
Chess sets provided, requesting players to bring their chess clock if you have one, as we have limited number available.
Chief tournament director: Steven Vigil
E-mail: chessteacher1977@yahoo.com
Phone: 321-297-7087
Assistant tournament director: Sureshkumar Rajamani
E-mail: suresh231975@gmail.com
Phone: 616-881-1094
960 Cogswell St
Rockledge, FL 32955
United States