Event Overview
May 28, 2023. Quads in the Park VII. 3-RR, G/45 d5. Schenley Park, Westinghouse Shelter, W Circuit Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. Round times: 11AM | 1PM | 3:45PM. Prizes: 1st Place – $100 per quad. There is an additional +$15 Bonus for 3-0 perfect scores. If the lowest quad has at least 6 players, a 2nd place $50 prize will be added. If the lowest quad has 7 players, then a 3rd place $50 will be added. Rain or Shine: The tournament will proceed regardless of rain or clear skies. Players should dress for the weather, noting average summer temperatures in Pittsburgh (ie. range between 60-84). Entry Fee: PCC Member Advance EF: $40, Non-Member Advance EF: $50. NO ONSITE REGISTRATION, ADVANCE ONLY. Advance entries sent by mail must be postmarked by May 17 and addressed to PO Box 224, Murrysville, PA 15668. Online Advanced entries must be submitted online by 11PM May 27 through website. Info: director@pittsburghchessclub.org, 412-421-1881. See event page for details https://pittsburghchessclub.org/uscf/quads-in-the-park-vii
W Circuit Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
United States