Event Overview
1. Dates & Location
• One Saturday every month @ 10AM
• Location: Mechanics' Institute Chess Room
57 Post Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)
2. Tournament Format:
• Tournament Format: Swiss System
• Total Rounds: 4 rounds
2 or 3 sections depending on number of registration: 700+, under700 or 700+, 400-699, u400.
TDs reserve the right to adjust the sections based on the players signed up to better serve them.
• Round 1 start time: 10AM, with Round 2, 3 and 4 on a rolling schedule
• Expected End Time: around 1:30-2:00PM
• Time Control: G/30;d5 (Game in 30 minutes with 5-second delay on each move.)
• Games will be US Chess regular-rated & quick-rated (so-called dual rated). The tournament results will be submitted soon after the last round is finished.
• Tiebreak: Standard scholastic tiebreak methods following current published US Chess Scholastic Regulations will be used to differentiate between players with same final results.
3. Byes
• Maximum number allowed: 2
• Last round to request a bye: 2nd
• Number of rounds in tourney: 4
4. Awards -- Trophies or medals based on final results.
• Trophies to top players in each section.
• Medals to all others.
5. Registration
• MI library member: $30
• Non-MI library member: $35 (Fee will increase to $40 from July 2024. -- Join Mechanics' Institute and save!)
• $5 admin fee for all cancellations & refunds.
6. Eligibility
• Players must have current US Chess Federation membership. Expiration date of their US Chess membership must be later than the last day of the tournament.
• Not sure if you have a membership? Need to check the expiration date of your membership? Visit: https://new.uschess.org/player-search
• Become a member or renew your membership: https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess
7. Tournament Rules
• Standard US Chess rules apply.
• Forfeit time is 30 minutes.
Mechanics' Institute Chess Club reserves the right to update any details of this event (including but not limited to sections, time control, round times, prize fund, etc.) as we get closer to the event date to ensure an excellent tournament experience for players.
57 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States