Event Overview
State Grade Level Championship
Location: Atherton High School, 3000 Dundee Rd, Louisville, KY 40205
Date: January 11, 2025
Round: 5 Rounds
Time Control: G/30;d5
Sections: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Round Times: Round-1 is 9:00 AM
Entry Fee: $35 per player
Richard Williams
Scholastic Coordinator
Click here to show mail address
Tournament Details:
This event is open to all Kentucky Scholastic players. Players who do not reside in Kentucky may play but are not eligible to be named state grade-level champion.
Online registration ONLY at King Registration: Kentucky State Grade Level Scholastic Chess Championship
No on-site registrations will be accepted.
Players must compete in their appropriate grade section. “Playing up” is not permitted at this event. This is an individual event; players from the same school may be paired against each other.
As this is a state championship event, USChess rules will be strictly enforced. Notation will be required for grades 5 and up. Electronic chess notation devices are not permitted except as an accommodation approved in advance by the Scholastic Coordinator.
Time control and number of rounds may be changed based on turnout. Sections may be merged as necessary, although prizes will be awarded according to grade. The KCA also reserves the right to accelerate pairings or adjust rounds based upon turnout.
There is 1 half point bye. All byes requested by round 3. Fifth round requested byes are zero points.
There will be a zoom players' meeting the day before the Grade Level event on 1/10/2025. The time for the meeting is 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Check King Registration for the link to the zoom Meeting.
3000 Dundee Rd
Louisville, KY 40205
United States