GM Alex Sherzer Memorial Mid-Atlantic Masters

Grand Prix
Executive Conference Center Dulles

Event Overview

November 1-3. GM Alex Sherzer Memorial Mid-Atlantic Masters.  120 GP Points. 5-SS, G/90;+30 Accelerated pairings used for rounds 1 & 2. FIDE rated. $7,000 Guaranteed Prizes: 2,250 - 1,500 – 1,000 – 750 – 500, Top Under 2400 $350, Top Under 2300 $350, Top Born Before February 1, 1971, if not winning any other prize: $300. Executive Conference Center Dulles, 22685 Holiday Park Dr. Suite 60, Sterling, VA 20166Open only to those who have had a rating of 2200+ at some point since 1992.  EF:  $99 by October 20, $120 later until 1 hour before round 1 or at site. GMs, please write by September 10 to ask about conditions. FIDE ratings used for pairings; USCF or FIDE ratings used for eligibility to enter. Schedule: Reg ends Fri 5 pm, rds. Fri 6, Sat 10:30 & 5, Sun 9:30 & 4.  One half-point bye OK any round, must commit before rd. 2. HR: $129 group rate at the Holiday Inn, 45425 Holiday Dr., 6 minute walk away.  Ask for Chess rate. Chess sets provided. Please bring clocks and pencils. No electronic devices may be used in the tournament hall. All game scores belong to the tournament for use in a tournament book to memorialize GM Sherzer. Blitz Tournament: Saturday at 9:30 pm.


22685 Holiday Park Dr. Suite 60
Sterling, VA 20166
United States

Sections: 1
Grand Prix Points: 120
Prize Fund: $7,000
FIDE Rated: Yes
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

David Mehler