The Dulles Scholastic Tournament (In Person)

Hampton Inn and Suites Dulles

Event Overview


Hampton Inn and Suites Dulles

22700 Holiday Park Drive, Sterling, VA 20166

4 Rounds of Rated Chess

Saturday, April 12 at 9:00 aM


Register here:


Tournament Information:

  • 4 round Swiss tournament.
  • USCF regular and quick rated. Time control: Game in 25 minutes with a 5-second delay.
  • Saturday, April 12, 9 am to approximately 1 pm.
  • Entry fee: $35 on or before Tuesday the week of the tournament, $40 on or before Friday, $45 on Saturday (on-site registration is allowed, registration for round one closes at 8:45 am on Saturday).
  • Participants are not required to play all rounds. Please inform the tournament director if you plan to show up late or leave early.
  • Four Sections: K-3, K-5, K-8, and K-12.
  • PRIZES: Trophies to the top three in each section!
  • We will have enough chess sets for all players. If you would like to use a clock, please bring one.
  • Free parking available at the hotel.
  • For questions, please email us at Click here to show mail address

Register here:



22700 Holiday Park Drive
Sterling, VA 20166
United States

Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund:
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

DMV Chess