Dragon Knight Free Friday Knight Blitz

Dragon Knight Chess Center

Event Overview

USCF Rated Tournament

Friday, March 14


Time Control: G/5; +2. Each player receives 5 minutes plus a 2 second bonus increment per move to complete each game.

Dragon Knight Chess Center

2000 Bearcat Way

Suite 104

Morrisville, NC 27560


Free (no entry fee) Double Round Robin tournament played under USCF rules:


at Blitz Chess time controls (see pages 19-21 for time controls, and pages 141=144 for rules).

5-10 players each section

USCF membership is required, and the tournament is USCF Blitz Rated.

Free entry to all players!

Prizes: 100% of entry fees, but 100% of 0 is 0.

Round Times: 6:30pm and ASAP thereafter. Arrive and start playing when ready.

Estimated end time 10pm

For questions, concerns, and withdrawals prior to the event email:  jon@dragonknightchess.com

For contact during the event email (above) or text (or call) (919) 422-2535

NO residency restriction: Open to all players

Live OTB Event

2000 Bearcat Way
Suite 104
Morrisville, NC 27560
United States

Sections: 2
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund:
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Dragon Knight Chess
Email: jon@dragonknightchess.com
Phone: (919) 422-2535