Event Overview
North of Grand Rapids we will host almost monthly mini-swiss tournaments. These events will be low-cost, with minimal entry fees. They are intended to support serious improvement and play at longer time controls. The first event is February 1st! Come out for a unique, quiet location and enjoy longer time control chess. Just $25 to get 3 quality chess games!
Location: In the Croton area between the beautiful Croton and Hardy Dams! Address — 5490 E 48th St, Newaygo MI 49337 in the Northern Discovery Academy building.
Time Control: G/75;d5
Rounds: 10:00AM, 1:00PM, 3:45PM
Sections: We will play an accelerated swiss unless quad play by rating is appropriate.
Membership: USCF and MCA Membership Required
5490 East 48th St
Newaygo, MI 49337
United States