Event Overview
The time control is G/30;d5. 5 Rounds. Round times 10 am-11:15 am-1:15 pm-2:30 pm-3:45 pm. 4 sections; k-12 U1100 rated, k-6 U1100 rated. k-12 not USCF-rated and k-6 not USCF-rated. Open to any child still in high school or below who is rated below 1100. Anyone rated above 1100 should play in the regular tournament. Individual and team trophies. The top three in each section get trophies, and the top team from each section will get a trophy(a team is 3 players from the same school in the same section). The entry fee is $20 until July 8th, $25 thereafter, and onsite. The event will be held at Creekside Christian Academy West Campus, 2455 Mt Carmel Rd, Hampton, GA 30228. The most up-to-date information can be found here. Click here to register.
2455 Mt Carmel Rd
Hampton, GA 30228
United States