Event Overview
Chess Earth at ChessTime G/30 - 4RD
Ballroom Upstairs is the Tournament Hall. Food and Chess Merch and Community.
4-Round Swiss Tournament. Games start at 12noon.
Entry Fee $25 – Game in 30 d/5 – $10 Blitz Tournament starts at 6pm. G/5 (unrated)
One Section. Prizes are paid based on entries and ratings. Chess Merch also given as prizes.
ChessTime Chess Club is located inside the Hoffner Lodge at 4120 Hamilton Ave in Northside. We are using the upstairs ballroom for this chess tournament and using the downstairs chess club for Skittles room. There will be a chess vendor (Chess Earth) food and music and a great time at ChessTime.
On-Site Registration: Begins at 11am til 11:45am. We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover
1st Round 12noon. 2nd Rd - 1:30pm. 3rd Rd - 3:00pm. 4th Rd - 4:30pm.
Register and Pay Online at www.chessearth.com
Chess Earth at ChessTime G/30 d/5. Saturday, June 10th.
Blitz Tournament starts at 6pm. G/5 (unrated)
Food and Chess Merch and Community. ChessTime Chess Club. 4120 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223
4120 Hamilton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45223
United States