Event Overview
- One Section, but in the case of a large turnout, sections will be assigned at the discretion of the tournament director.
Rounds: First round begins at 9:00am. All other rounds as soon as possible.
Keeping Score: No time penalties will be issued for failing to keep score, but an adequate scoresheet is still required for some claims.
Trophies: Trophies will be awarded to top individual finishers in all sections. There are no team prizes.
No Lunch: There will be no lunch break, but players may bring a snack or lunch.
Early Registration is $20; Day-of registration is $40. Four rounds with a time control of G/25;d5.
Players under the age of 15 must have a parent/guardian/coach in the facility at all times. Direct questions an exception requests to club@arlingtonchess.com.
- All players must not have graduated from high school.
- All players must be enrolled in school or homeschooled during the year.
- All players must have a current membership in the US Chess Federation. Youth memberships are $20/year and can be purchased online at USChess.org or from our club.
Please direct all questions to club@arlingtonchess.com.
5206 South Bowen Road
Arlington, TX 76017
United States