87th Greater Boston Open

Heritage Event, Grand Prix, Enhanced Grand Prix, Junior Grand Prix
Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center

Event Overview

A Heritage Event!
87th Greater Boston Open

4SS, G/60, d5. Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center, 219 Littleton Rd., Westford MA 01886 (I-495, exit 83). 978-692-8200. Masks may be required. $$ 2,500 b/110 paid entries (U1200 counts 75%), $2,000 minimum (80% of each prize). 6 sects. Open Section: $400-200, top U2300 $200. Under 2100 Section: $300-150. Under 1900 Section: $275-125. Under 1700 Section: $225-100. Under 1500 Section: $200-100. Under 1200 Section: $150-75, trophies to top 3, top Under 1000, Under 800, Unrated. All: Unrated can play in any sect. but can't win more than $75 in U1200, $100 in U1500, $125 in U1700, $150 in U1900, $200 in U2100. Unpublished uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. EF: $39 if mailed by 10/17 or online by 10/21, $50 at site. GMs and IMs free. $10 discount for U1200 sect. MACA memb. req'd for Mass. residents ($12 adult, $6 junior U18). Reg. 8:30 to 9:30 am. Rds. 10 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm, 6 pm. Bye: all, limit 1, must commit before round 2. No half point byes for players receiving full point byes. Ent: payable to MACA and mail to Robert Messenger, 4 Hamlett Dr. Apt. 12, Nashua NH 03062, or enter online at www.MassChess.org. Info: email to Click here to show mail address or phone 603-891-2484. Day of the tournament phone 603-557-1732. Please bring chess set and clock. W.


219 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886
United States

Sections: 6
Grand Prix Points: 15
Prize Fund: $2,500
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Massachusetts Chess Association
Email: info@masschess.org
Phone: 603-891-2484