Event Overview
An American Classic
A Heritage Event
US Chess Junior Grand Prix
JAN 13-16, 14-16 OR 15-16, PENNSYLVANIA
55th annual Liberty Bell Open
7SS, 40/80, SD/30, d30 (3 day option, rds 1-2 G/60 d10, 2-day option in U2100 & below, rds 1-4 G/30 d10). Martin Luther King weekend at Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, 201 N 17th St, Philadelphia 19103. Prizes $25,000 based on 350 paid entries (re-entries, GMs & U1000 section count 70%), else proportional, except min. $17,500 (70% each prize) guaranteed. Since 2006, this tournament has been held over the board 16 times, and 15 of these have drawn over the based on amount, causing prizes to be raised in proportion. In 7 sections. Major (1900/up): See peakrating.us. $2500-1500-1000-700-500, clear/tiebreak 1st $100 bonus, top USCF U2300 $1200-600. FIDE. Under 2100: $1200-700-500-300-200. FIDE. Under 1900: $1200-700-500-300-200. Under 1700: $1000-600-400-300-200. Under 1500: $1000-600-400-300-200. Under 1300: $900-600-400-300-200. Under 1000: $700-400-300-200-100. Prize limits: 1) Unrated may not win over $100 in U1000, $200 U1300, $300 U1500, $400 U1700 or $500 U1900. 2) If Online Regular official rating is more than 50 points over section or prize maximum, limit $300. Mixed doubles: best male/female 2-player team combined score among all sections: $1000-600-400. Must average under 2200; may play different sections; register (no extra fee) before both begin round 2. Top 6 sections EF: $123 online at chessaction.com by 1/11, $140 (no check, credit card OK) at site, or online to 1 hour before rd 1. GMs $100 from prize. U1000 Section EF: All $40 less than top 6 sections. Special 1 yr USCF dues with magazine paid online with entry: Adult $40, Young Adult $25, Youth $18. Re-entry (no Major to Major) $70. 4-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds Fri 7 pm, Sat/Sun 12 & 6, Mon 10 & 3:30. 3-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 11 am, rds. Sat 12, 3 & 6, Sun 12 & 6, Mon 10 & 3:30. 2-day schedule (no Major): Reg. ends Sun. 9 am, rds Sun 10-12-2-3:45-6, Mon 10 & 3:30. Byes: all, limit 2, must commit before rd 3. Unofficial or Regular Online ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Foreign player ratings: see foreignratings.com. HR: $129-129-149-169, link at chessevents.us or 215-448-2000, request chess rate, reserve by 12/29 or may increase. Parking: Sheraton Valet parking, 50% of regular rate, about $20 to $25. Gateway Garage, 1 block away at 1540 Spring St, about $10/day Sat & Sun, $25 other days. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD D657633 or link at chesstour.com. Prizes usually paid by PayPal (may take over a week). Ent: chessaction.com. No mailed entries. Questions: Click here to show mail address, www.chesstour.com, www.chesstour.info. $15 service charge for refunds. Entries posted at chessaction.com (click “entry list” after entry). Blitz tournament Sun. 10:30 pm, enter by 10:10 pm.
201 N 17th St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States