Event Overview
An American Classic
A Heritage Event
US Chess Junior Grand Prix (top 8 sections)
54th annual National Chess Congress
6SS, 40/80, SD/30, d30 (2-day option, rds 1-3 G/40 d10). U800 & U600 sections play separate 2-day schedule only, 11/25-26, G/40 d10. Loews Hotel, 1200 Market St, Philadelphia PA 19107. $45,000 GUARANTEED PRIZES. In 10 sections (see peakrating.us). Premier (2000/over): $4000-2400-1200-800-500, clear win or tiebreak 1st $200, top USCF U2400 $2000-1000. FIDE. Under 2200: $2500-1300-700-500-300. FIDE. Under 2000: $2500-1300-700-500-300. FIDE. Under 1800: $2400-1200-600-400-300. Under 1600: $2000-1000-600-400-300. Under 1400: $1600-800-500-300-200. Under 1200: $1400-700-400-300-200. Under 1000: $1200-600-400-300-200. Under 800, Under 600 (each section): Plaques to top 10, 6 months free entry to all CCA OTB tournaments to 1st, 3 months to 2nd through 4th. Unrated may not win over $200 in U1000, $300 U1200, $400 U1400, $500 U1600, $600 U1800, or $700 U2000. Mixed doubles: top male-female combined score $2000-1000-600-400, averaging under 2200, any sections, reg. before both players begin rd 2, teams including an unrated limited to $400. Top 8 sections entry fee: $138 online at chessaction.com by 11/22, $160 at site or online until an hour before rd 1. GMs $120 from prize. Re-entry (no Premier to Premier) $60. Under 800, Under 600 EF: $52 online at chessaction.com by 11/22, $70 at site or onlline until 9 am 11/25. Unofficial or Online Regular uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. Cannot play below Online Regular rating minus 100. All: No checks at site, credit cards OK. Special 1 yr USCF with magazine if paid online with entry: Adult $43, Young Adult $26, Youth $19. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 11 am, rds. Fri 12 & 6, Sat 12 & 6, Sun 10 & 3:30. 2-day top 8 sections schedule: Reg. ends Sat. 9 am, rds Sat 10, 12:45, 3:30 & 6, Sun 10 & 3:30. 2-day U800 & U600 sections schedule: Reg. ends Sat 9 am, rds 10, 12:45 & 3:30 each day. Half point byes OK all rounds; limit 3, must commit before rd 3. HR: $118-118-143-143, link at chessevents.us (recommended) or 215-627-1200, reserve by 11/10. Parking: Loews valet chess rate 25% off regular (about $38). Gateway Garage, 3/5 mile away at 1540 Spring St (1 block from Sheraton Hotel), about $11/day Sat & Sun, $28 other days. Car rental: 800-331-1600, use AWD D657633 or link at chesstour.com. Ent: Chessaction.com. No mailed entries. Refunds, $15 service charge. Questions: Click here to show mail address chesstour.com, chesstour.info. Entries posted at chessaction.com (click “entry list” after entry). Blitz tournament Sat 10:30 pm; enter by 10 pm.
1200 Market St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States