4th Skyline Open

Washington Dulles Airport Marriott

Event Overview

4th Skyline Open

October 10th-13th

$10,000 in prizes b/150 entries, 60% GTD

Registration opens in June: https://easternchess.com/





A VCF Cup Event- VCF membership required for Virginia players. Join or renew at: https://www.vachess.org/


US Chess Membership required for all sections.


FIDE ID Required for Open and U2000 Sections. If you do not have one please fill out the the following form prior to tournament https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc60v_VmaEiYBG0uMWJJ46mMOVnPEzpw1b2kG5ZMcw_SOvQvg/viewform?pli=1


Hotel and Playing Site:Washington Dulles Airport Marriott, 45020 Aviation Drive, Dulles, Va 20166. Use Link Below to Book:




Sections/Time Controls/Schedule:

October Supplement Used

 Open/U2000(FIDE Rated),4 day/3day- MUST HAVE PEAK USCF/FIDE RATING 1800 OR ABOVE SINCE JAN. 1 2024 TO PLAY IN OPEN SECTION,1600-1799(current,not peak) EXTRA $100 TO PLAY IN OPEN, BELOW 1600/UNRATEDS NOT ELIGIBLE . 4 Day-7SS G/90;+30, Fri. 7 p.m., Sat and Sun 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Mon 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.   3 day-rounds 1 and 2 G/50;d5 not FIDE rated, rounds 3-7(merge with 4 day)G/90;+30. Sat.-11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Sunday. 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday, 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 2 half point byes available. Must be requested prior to start of round 3


U1600,4day/3day- US Chess Rated Only. Everything else(Time Controls/Schedule) same as Open/U2000


U1200,2 day only-US Chess rated only. 6SS, G/50;d5, Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. 2 half point byes available. Must be requested prior to start of round 3


Scholastic 1 day side event, Sunday Only- Section- U900(USCF membership required) . 4 Rounds G/25;d5. ASAP Pairings with first round starting at 11 am. Trophies to Top 3 + top U500 . Medals to even scores. 1 half point bye by request prior to start of round 2


Default/No show- !!30 MINUTES FOR ALL SECTIONS!!


Re-entry-players who lose round 1 can re-enter tournament for $50 after Round 1 and recieve a 1/2 point bye for round 1. Player may not take any other 1/2 point byes.


Prizes(based on 150 paid entries in top 4 sections):

Open-$2000,$1000,$700, Top U2200-$300,$200, Biggest Upset-$100

U2000-$1400,$700,$400, Top U1800-$300,$125, Biggest Upset-$75, Unrateds limit $200 in prize winnings

U1600-$900,$400,300, Top U1400-$150, Biggest Upset-$50, Unrateds limit $200 in prize winnings 

U1200-$500,$250,$100, Biggest Upset-$50, Unrateds limit $100 in prize winnings 


Entry Fees- Free entry to GM/IM/WGM/WIM if registered by Oct. 1(entry deducted from prize winnings). No fee deducted if registered by Sep. 19th.

Open/U2000/U1600- $150 through 9/12/25, $165 through 9/30/25/, $180 through 10/9/2025, $195  onsite.

U1200-$110 through 9/12/25,$125 through 9/30/25,$140 through 10/9/25,$155  onsite

U900 Scholastic 1 day side event-$35 through 10/7/25,$40 after and onsite


Blitz Side Event:Saturday night, approximate start time 9 p.m. Register separately: https://easternchess.com/


Contact- Chief TD/Arbiter: Associate National Tournament Director/Fide National Arbiter Robbie Jackson- easternchessdirector@gmail.com, 757-416-2075(call/text)



45020 Aviation Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
United States

Sections: 4
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: 10,000
FIDE Rated: Yes
Handicap Accessible: No
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Eastern Chess Association
Email: easternchessdirector@gmail.com
Phone: 7574162075