3rd Iron Knights Amateur

Orchard Covenant Church Community Hall

Event Overview

PRIZE FUND: $500 based on 25 Rated Players. THAT IS 80% of the Advance ENTRY FEE

U.S. Chess Federation Membership is required and available at the tournament.

FORMAT: 4 Games Swiss System (No elimination).                                Time Control G/50;d5

SECTIONS:                                                PRIZES:

  OPEN                         1st in; Class A $100, Class B $100, Class C $100

  Under-1400               1st in; Class D $80, Under-1200 $80, Unrated $40

BYES: Limit of one 1/2-point bye, available for any missed round, specified with entry or before round 3.

CHESS SETS, and CLOCKS will be provided. However, if you have a set that you would rather use, you may substitute your equipment for any round with the approval of the player of the black pieces for that pairing.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT OPTIONS: Send REGISTRATION FORM and Check payable to W.M.C.A by U.S. mail to: ED KOSTREBA, 45 FAIRVIEW ST., PALMER, MA  01069, postmarked by June 24th. OR PayPal or VENMO to wmass-chess@comcast.net (must include Registration Form information as a note during electronic payment, or via e-mail, or phone text message) by June 27th.

ADVANCE ENTRY FEE: Rated players $25 Check, or $26 electronically. New, and unrated players, $5.

AT SITE ENTRY FEE: Rated players $30 Cash or Check, or $31 electronically. New, and unrated players, $10

You are considered RATED if you have played 4 or more games in a USCF rated tournament, which has been reported prior to 11:45 PM Central Time on the 3rd Wednesday of the prior month.

DISCOUNTS: WMCA Members $5 off. Indian Orchard Residents $2 off, (please bring your driver’s license or a piece of your mail showing zip code 01151).

WMCA MEMBERSHIP: $15 per year NOT required. It includes the WMCA Free tournament & $5 off at WMCA tournaments, including this one, voting rights, and any privileges added during membership.

AT SITE REGISTRATION: Saturday 8:30am – 9:00am         ROUND TIMES:  9:30am, 11:30pm, 2:00pm, 4:00pm

USCF Rules: 20N & 20N1 *All players cell phones or any electronic communication devices are forbidden in the playing room unless they are switched off. Rules 20F & 20I *No analysis, discussion of games, or talking in the playing room during play.

Any questions call Ed at: 413-668-4589 or email; cadcamsv@comcast.net


Cut here____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cut here

3rd Iron Knights Amateur REGISTRATION FORM

Name _________________________________________________________________________________

U.S.C.F. ID. No. (If member) __________________________  1/2-point bye (Circle round)    1      2      3      4   .

e-mail address ___________________________________________    OR Phone # (_____) _______________

Entry Fee: $_______

If not a U.S.Chess Federation member or if a renewing member (Fill out a USCF Membership Form) Fee: + $ _______

W.M.C.A. membership (Circle one)          new          or         renewing         (Not required) + $_______

                                                               TOTAL: $_______


A parking lot and Community Hall entrance is accessed from Myrtle St.
United States

Sections: 2
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: 500 bo/25
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Ed Kostreba
Email: wmass-chess@comcast.net
Phone: 413-668-4589