2nd Annual World Open Junior Championship

Junior Grand Prix
Philadelphia Sheraton Downtown Hotel

Event Overview

US Chess Junior Grand Prix



July 1-2. 2nd Annual World Open Junior Championship. 6-SS, G/90 d10, Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown (see World Open for location, hotel rates, parking). $5000 guaranteed prizes. Open to all born after 7/2/03. In 3 sections. Open Section: $800-400-300, U2000 $320-160, U1800/Unr $300-150. Under 1700 Section: $500-300-150, U1500 $280-140, U1300 $240-120. Unrated limit $300. Under 1100 Section: $300-200-100, U900 $160-80. Unrated limit $150. EF: $83 online at chessaction.com by 6/29, $100 later or at site. Special USCF dues with magazine if paid online with entry: Young Adult $26, Youth $19.  Reg. ends 9 am 7/1, rounds 10:00, 2:00, 6:00 each day. July official ratings used, unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated.  Cannot play below Online Regular Rating - 100 points. Limit of 2 half point byes, must commit before rd 3.  Entry: chessaction.com. No mailed entries. $15 service charge for refunds. Prizes not claimed at site usually paid by PayPal (may take over 2 weeks). Entries posted at chessaction.com (click “entry list” after entering). Bring set, board, clock if possible- none supplied.


201 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States

Sections: 3
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: $5,000
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: No
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Continental Chess
Email: director@chess.us
Phone: director@chess.us