2025 Murfreesboro Open

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church: Murfreesboro Chess Club

Event Overview

** 1st 3 Titled Players Play for Free **


Site: Murfreesboro Chess Club @  First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 907 E. Main St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130.

5SS: Rd. 1, G/25;d5 Rds. 2-3, G/45;d5, Rds. 4-5, G/60;d5.

Open Section: $575 in prizes based on 30 entries, $150 1st, $75 2nd, Class Prizes X, A, B, C, D, E/below, Unr., each $50, *Keeping with tradition, above 30 players, additional prizes will be added and/or increased.

Rounds: 9, 10:15, 12:15, 2:00, 4:15 Schedule subject to change.

Registration: 7:30am - 8:45am (accepting cash or checks at the door).

EF: $25 with check or money order if received by 05/21, else $35 cash or check at site. Or, $28 PayPal by 05/21 via https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mborochessclub Includes a $3.00 service fee.

**Titled Players: The first 3 pre-registered and confirmed Titled Players (NM +) will play for free, with $25 being deducted from any awarded prize(s) over $75.

Bye: A one half point bye is available for any round if requested before Rd. 1.

Note: Sets, clocks and score sheets are provided.

Early Entries: Mail check or money order to: Chris Prosser (TD), 733 Long Hunter Ct., Nashville, TN 37217

More Info: TD: Regioniii@aol.com TD: (615) 426-7105


907 E. Main St.
(Parking & Entrance on N. Bilbro Ave.)
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
United States

Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund:
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Murfreesboro Chess Club
Email: murfreesborochess@gmail.com