Event Overview
West Bloomfield Middle School
6000 Orchard Lake Rd
West Bloomfield, MI, 48322, United States
Printable Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1leFUhD3RLkk6ScXNsqfmC1TGzoZLdrzl/view?usp=drive_link
5-SS, 3 Sections (Elementary K-6 Championship, Elementary K-5 Reserve, Primary K-3 Championship)
For Reserve section, average team rating must be under 400
Event Policies:
MCA Scholastic Code of Conduct & Building Policies will be provided via a separate flyer online and via hard copy during the event. By registering for this event, players, parents, and coaches agree to abide by these policies. Any violations of these policies can lead to withdrawal of all teams from the school and ejection from the facility.
- Each team is composed of 3-5 players. A standard team consists of 4 players. A team may compete with 3 players, possibly forfeiting on board 4. Teams of 5 players are also permitted where any 4 of the 5 players can play each round while keeping consistent board order.
- The players on a team must be part of the same educational system (“school’) as defined by USCF Scholastic Regulations Sections 5.2, 5.3, or 5.4. https://new.uschess.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/uschess-scholasticregulations_2024-2025.2024.08.05a.pdf
- Multiple teams from the same school may be submitted to any section or event.
- There is no requirement that the teams be sponsored by the school. A group of friends that meet the team eligibility requirements can register and compete.
- Individual players should not register for the event. Contact MCA for assistance forming a team.
- For teams that cannot participate due to last minute withdrawals, the remaining players may still participate in the extra rated games.
- Individual Byes are not allowed. Pairings are made by Team, so missing players should be accounted for by having an alternate or forfeit if team has 3 remaining players.
Board Order:
MCA Standing Rule 84-03: Regarding board order in team tournaments: Rated players should generally be placed in rating order; unrated players may be placed anywhere. This should be done with fairness in mind: The strongest player on each team should play on first board, no matter whether he has a relatively high or low rating or is unrated. The tournament director may, at his discretion, change submitted player placements, after considering evidence from various sources (non-USCF ratings, other coaches, etc.). (Adopted 06/21/84).
Average Team Rating:
Use our online tool to determine eligibility for Reserve sections: https://www.michess.org/team-rating-calculator
Match Games:
Individual games are between the players only without the assistance of parents, coaches, and teammates. All questions or concerns, including current match score, should be directed to the TD.
Extra Rated Games:
Each round, Fourth boards without an opponent and alternates are paired randomly so they can play rated games. These games are optional, and players are not guaranteed a game. Points scored in these matches DO NOT count for individual medals.
Boards and Pieces are provided for tournament games. Bring your own set for skittles between rounds.
Bring Clocks:
Games may start without clocks, but games running long will have a clock placed on them with very little time.
Please bring writing utensils, none provided. All players must record the moves of their game until one player has less than 5 minutes remaining on the clock. Young players in the K-3 section must make an attempt at notation such as check marks or writing the letter for the piece moved.
Cell Phones:
No Players may have a cell phone in their possession during their game.
Parents and Coaches may be separated from the playing area once games begin.
Time Control:
9am – 11am – 1pm – 3pm – 5pm
Entry Fee:
$20 per Player in Advance by 2/1/2025 (Sat week before) at Midnight
$25 per Player in Advance by 2/3/2025 (Mon prior) at Midnight
$45 per Player in Advance by 2/6/2025 (Thur prior) at 8pm
All mailed entries must be postmarked by 1/31/2025
No Exceptions will be allowed for these dates. Please register early to ensure time to resolve issues.
Online registration: http://www.onlineregistration.cc (Preferred Method)
If an invoice is needed for school payment, please contact the TD by 1/25/2025 to allow time for processing.
The Online Registration (https://onlineregistration.cc/index.php) system will be the main mechanism to register for the tournament, but not the only method. Those registering through other ways will not be listed at the Online Registration Entry List. MCA will provide a separate website link closer to the tournament date to view full entries along pairings and results during the tournament.
Online registration Links:
- K-6C/K-5R: https://onlineregistration.cc/MCA/2025_MCA_ElemTeam
- K-3C: https://onlineregistration.cc/MCA/2025_MCA_PrimTeam
Mailed registration: Michigan Chess Association, P.O. Box 40, Flint, MI 48501
DO NOT register unless you are part of a known school team. Individual players without a team are not allowed to participate.
Teams must be paid in advance and will be paired for round 1. Coaches with any changes must check-in and inform MCA staff before 8:15am. No refunds will be given to anyone who is paired for the first round and does not arrive. Parent/Coach check-in from 7:30-10:00am to pick up policy materials.
K-6 Championship
Top 10 teams + all at 3.5
Top U700, Top U500, Top Unrated teams
Individual Medals: Gold 5.0 pts, Silver 4.0-4.5 pts, Bronze 3.5 pts
K-5 Reserve
Top 7 teams
Individual Medals: Gold 5.0 pts, Silver 4.0-4.5 pts, Bronze 3.5 pts
K-3 Championship
Top 10 teams + all at 3.5
Top U300, Top U150, Top Unrated teams
Individual Medals: Gold 5.0 pts, Silver 4.0-4.5 pts, Bronze 3.5 pts
Jeff Aldrich
Click here to show mail address
Team Rooms are available for Larger Groups - First Come, First Serve – Must Request by February 2, 2025
Contact Jeff Aldrich Click here to show mail address) to reserve. These are classrooms that can hold up to 35 people total – Groups expecting more than 35 should reserve multiple rooms. Each team room is $150 cash onsite, and $50 deposit will be returned once the room is confirmed to be in the same condition when entered. All remaining funds collected will be donated to the school.
Assistance Forming Teams:
- Players must be part of a scholastic team to participate. Players on the same team should be registered in the same section.
- Individual players (or their parents) that are interested in participating should contact MCA Click here to show mail address) for help facilitating a team. All requests must be made by February 1.
- MCA will track interested individuals and which school they attend/represent. If there are enough players to form a team, we will help with the organizing of these teams including setting up Zoom calls to introduce parents and players.
- We will contact schools and attempt to help find other players interested in competing in these team events.
- There is no guarantee we will be able to find enough players to compete, but we will do our best.
Video of Question & Answer Session from 2023: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UuriHMkMHaAEn1GcsquCiKCBWj19pZth/view?usp=sharing
6000 Orchard Lake Rd
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
United States