Event Overview
Four Rounds, Open Swiss @ G/45;d5
(20 + Players = 5 Rounds with R1 G/25;d5, Rds 2 - 5 G/45;d5)
Prizes: Champion, U1600, U1400, U1200, Unr.
Eligibility: Must be a current MCC Member, as well as, a current US Chess Member.
Registration: 8:00am - 8:50am
Rounds: Round 1 at 9:15am, Lunch, Round Two (t.b.a.), and Subsequent Rounds a.s.a.p.
Prizes: Champion’s name engraved on the Club’s Perpetual Trophy plus a Champion’s Plaque, Plaques for the Top Performance in U1600, U1400 & U1200, Top Unrated $20 (One prize per winner).
Tie Breaks for Trophies Only: Decided by G/5;d3. If the 1st game is drawn, players will switch colors. If the 2nd game is drawn, the 3rd game will be an Armageddon* format where the higher rated player chooses their color.
EF: $10.00 cash or $12.00 PayPal
MCC Membership: $10.00 cash or $12.00 PayPal
TCA Membership: Not required, but highly encouraged. $10.00 individual, $15.00 family.
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mborochessclub
Byes: Available any round if TD is notified before round one begins.
* In Armageddon the White player gets 5 minutes sudden death and the Black player gets 4 minutes sudden death. If the game is drawn, then the player with the Black pieces wins. Otherwise, the game is decided by checkmate or on time. If more than two players are tied, then the lower rated players will play first to decide who plays the highest rated.
907 E. Main St.
(Parking & Entrance on N. Bilbro Ave.)
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
United States