Event Overview
2023 Kansas Open State Chess Championship A Kansas Grand Tour event July 15-16, 2023 Lawrence, Kansas July 14, 2023 Side Events: Kansas Blitz and Bughouse Championships
Site: DoubleTree Hotel, Brazilian Ballroom, 200 McDonald Drive, Lawrence 66044
Time Control:
Five Round Swiss, G/100;d5,
Registration Advance:
Advance before 7/12, midnight at https://www.kingregistration.com/event/KSOPEN23
Combo discount (Kansas Open & Blitz) only available until 7/12 midnight at King Reg
Online King Registration closes at 8:30 am July 15.
Price: Advance $50, Advance Combo $70, Scholastic $20
Free entry to scholastics who play in KSCA State Championship in March 2023, email
CJ Armenta for free entry at Click here to show mail address (advance reg only)
GM/IM/WGM/WIM no entry fee, advance EF deducted from prize
Saturday 7/15, 8:30 – 9:30 AM.
Price: Onsite $70, Scholastic $25
USCF and KCA memberships are required, OSA
Open, Reserve (U1800), Amateur U(1400)
July USCF supplement rating list used
Players may request a single half-point bye for any round, must request before round 2.
Saturday 7/15 Rd. 1 10:00 AM, Rd. 2 2:30 PM, Rd 3 7:00 PM.
Sunday 7/16 Rd. 4 10:00 AM, Rd. 5 2:30 PM.
Prize Fund: (based on 80 non-scholastic players)
Scholastic entries not eligible for cash prizes
Kansas Champion(s) must be a Kansas Resident to be eligible for Bonus Prize
Open: 1st $350 2nd $250 3rd $150 Top U1900 $120, 1st Scholastic plaque
Bonus Prize $25 and plaque to Kansas Champion
Reserve: 1st $300 2nd $200 3rd $100 Top U1600 $80, 1st Scholastic plaque
Bonus Prize $25 and plaque to Kansas Reserve Champion
Amateur: 1st $250 2nd $150 3rd $75 Top U1000 $50, 1st Scholastic plaque
Bonus Prize $25 and plaque to Kansas Amateur Champion
Kansas Blitz Championship: Friday 7/14. First round 7 PM. USCF and KCA memberships required.
Registration: In advance at https://www.kingregistration.com/register/KSBLITZ2023 by July 12 midnight. Onsite: 6 – 6:30 PM 7/14.
Entry Fee: $25 in advance, $10 Scholastic (or combine with KS Open for $70), $35 onsite. Scholastic $15, not eligible for prizes.
Rounds: Five-round double swiss (10 games in total). Time control G/5. USCF Blitz rules used.
Prize Fund: (based on 40 non-scholastic players) 1st $200, 2nd $120, 3rd $80, U2000 $60, U1700 $50, U1400/Unr. $40
Bonus $25 and plaque to Kansas Blitz Champion. 1st Scholastic Plaque.
Side Events:
Kansas Bughouse Championship Friday 7/14 at 4 PM. Onsite Registration only, 3:30 – 4 PM. $20 per team entry fee, Prizes 1st team 50% of entry fees, 2nd team 25% of entry fees.
DoubleTree, 200 McDonald Drive, Lawrence 66044, 1-785-841-7077,
$149 per night with Breakfast for 2. Reservations must be made by June 14
DoubleTree by Hilton in Lawrence - KS Chess Open 2023
Masks may be required, based on county health department regulations.
For more information, contact KCA President CJ Armenta at Click here to show mail address
KCA Annual Meeting, Sunday, July 16, 8:15 AM in the playing hall.
200 McDonald Drive
Lawrence, KS 66044
United States