Event Overview
3-Day Schedule: G/110; inc/10
Rounds 1-2 of 2-day Schedule: G/30, inc/10
$7,500 GUARANTEED IN PRIZES - 40 US Chess Grand Prix Points
Championship Section - FIDE Rated
$1200 – 600 – 300 – 200
Top U2200: $400 – 200
Under 2000 Section - FIDE Rated
$700 – 400 – 200
Top U1800: $300 – 150
Under 1600 Section
$600 – $300 – $200
Top U1400: $300 – 150
Under 1200 Section
$500 – $300 – $200
Top U1000: $200 – 100
Saturday 8:30-10:30pm
Blitz Registration On-site only, Saturday 4:30-8:15pm – No online blitz registration
Free blitz entry for players in the Charlotte Summer Open, $20 for others.
7 (single) Rounds – USCF regular ratings used for pairings/prizes.
$500 guaranteed prize fund in one section with class prizes.
US Chess and FIDE blitz rated. US Chess membership required.
3-Day Schedule - 5 Rounds
Friday: 6:30pm
Saturday: 10:30am & 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am & 3:00pm
2-Day Schedule - 5 Rounds
Saturday: 10:30am, 1:00pm, 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am & 3:00pm
Rounds 1-2 of 2-Day Schedule played at G/30; inc/10 time control, then merge with 3-day schedule, Saturday 4:00pm
$135 by July 10, $150 after
GM/IM/WGMs: Free, no deduction from prize if registered by July 5, otherwise $100 deducted from prize. Conditions are available for GMs, IMs, WGMs, inquire early.
100 Point Rule: Must be within 100 points of next section to play up (e.g. 1900+ to enter Championship). Players may use any of the following to qualify for the 100 point rule:
current rating at the time of registration
July 2023 US Chess supplement rating
live rating achieved thereafter
Registration Cap: registration closes at 125 players.
Byes: Players may take up to 2 optional half-point byes, request before round 1. All byes requested during the tournament are zero points.
Rating Minimum for K-8 players: For players in grades K-8 (age 13 or younger), there is a minimum US Chess rating of 1000. Players rated under 1000 should see our Rated Scholastic option.
Unrated Players must enter U1200 Section and are eligible for prizes.
Unrated players in grades K-8 (age 13 or younger) are not permitted to play – see Rated Scholastic option.
Refunds: all withdrawals by July 12 will be refunded minus a $10 transaction fee. 50% refunds after July 12 until 1 hour before round 1.
If players have an undesirable start to the event, they may wish to re-enter the event.
Players may re-enter for a $60 fee
Parents and spectators are not permitted in the playing area and nearby hallways.
Boards, sets, clocks provided (must use our equipment).
All sections are US Chess-rated. US Chess membership is required.
Championship and U2000 sections are also FIDE-rated and use FIDE rules, except for 2-day schedule.
July 2023 US Chess ratings used for pairings and prizes in all sections.
Plaque to first place in each section, based on US Chess cumulative tiebreak and "average opposition rating, drop one" tiebreak if necessary.
By registering for or attending this event, players and guests grant permission to CCC to take and use photographs and video for purposes related to the event.
Parents and spectators are not permitted in the playing area and nearby hallways.
Live game broadcasts will be on a delay.
Staff will be equipped with wands and anti-cheating equipment.
Stronger quality and quantity of TDs, arbiters, and organizers than other events.
CCC Events Team - Click here to show mail address
Titled Player Conditions - Click here to show mail address
4808 Sharon Road
Charlotte, NC 28210
United States