Event Overview
2022 DC Scholastic Kickoff
Saturday September 10th, 2022
Location: Second Baptist Church
816 3rd Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
A US Chess Federation (USCF) rated scholastic tournament for K-12th grade players! IMPORTANT - ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE MEMBERS OF THE USCF!
USCF membership can be purchased online at: https://secure2.uschess.org/webstore/member.php
Please give affiliate membership appreciation to: A6055054
We are giving an ongoing series of tournaments to help the children prepare for the 4 upcoming National Championships, which will be held in and around DC from 12/22 – 12/24!!
4 rounds | G/25;d5 for all sections
5 sections: K-1 Open, K-3 Open, K-6 Open, K-8 Open, K-12 Open
Awards: Individual 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy for each section. Team trophies for each section. (Team = 2-4 players from same school.) Top female trophy for each section!
Entry Fee: No entry fee! Donations (which may be tax deductible) accepted.
Please register early as our space is limited to 75 players!
To register, please use the registration link:
(*You may play in sections with grades higher than yours, but not lower.)
Registration closes September 9th at 8pm!!
No onsite registration!!
September 10th – Check in 9:00am-9:45am. 1st round starts at 10:00am.
*We will have a youth film crew taking pictures and filming portions of the tournament.
Please feel free to email Click here to show mail address.com, or text (202) 557-9516, for more information.
Sponsored by: DC State Chess Federation, Second Baptist Church and Be Empowered Clothing Shop
816 3rd Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States