Event Overview
Over $4,300 in Guaranteed Prizes!!! Other Honors and Awards!
Date & Time: Saturday, December 3, 2022
Rounds at 9:30a, 12p, 2:30p and 5p; Awards by 8 PM
NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION. Registration ends December 2 at 7 PM.
Location: Wesleyan University
55 Wyllys Avenue
Middletown, CT 06457
Time Control: 4 Rounds SS, G/55 d5. USCF rated.
One ½ pt bye permitted in Rounds 1-3; must commit by end of registration.
Sections: 3 Sections: Championship (CT players rated 2000 and higher, only); U2000 (no state restriction); U1400 (no state restriction)
Prizes: Championship: $500-350-300-250-200. Trophy to State Champion.
U2000: $400-300-250-200-150. Top U1700, not otherwise placing, $100.
U1400: $300-250-200-150-100. Top U1000, not otherwise placing, $100.
Top Female in U2000 and U1400, not otherwise placing, $100.
Unless tied for first place, prizes based on final standings on USCF tie breaks,
NOT USCF distribution rules. Players tied for first share money prizes equally.
Entry price: $80 by November 27.
$100 by December 2 at 7 PM.
Register online. NO on-site registration.
Includes CSCA event membership status to 12/3/2023.
Player conditions to Connecticut GMs and IMs, not deducted from prize.
Free entry to players rated 2400 and over.
USCF rated. Bring clocks, if available. Sets and some clocks will be provided.
Championship Section limited to Connecticut players, only, per Note [1] below.
[1] Connecticut player. For the purpose of these Championships, a “Connecticut player” is
(a) any player whose state is designated Connecticut (“CT”) with U.S. Chess, or
(b) any player whose state is not designated “CT” with U.S. Chess, but who (i) resides, (ii) attends school or (iii) is employed or self-employed in the state of Connecticut.
Event entrants pursuant to section (b) will provide proof of eligibility.
[2] Championship Section Entry Restrictions. Entry in the Championship section is limited to Connecticut players with a minimum rating of 2000. Other sections do not have a state restriction.
[3] Playoff Tiebreak in Championship Section. In case of a tie for first place in the Championship Section, a playoff will immediately follow Round 4. The playoff will consist of an Armageddon game G/5v4 with player finishing higher on USCF tie breaks selecting color. If multiple players are tied for 1st place, players will be paired highest finishing against lowest finishing and so on based on USCF tie breaks, and each playoff round will result in elimination of the losing player from the tie break. If the number of players in the first playoff round is other than a square of two, the highest finishing players on USCF tie breaks will advance without play to the second playoff round to conform to playoff format. Playoff affects trophy and Champion title only. Players tied for first share money prizes equally.
[4] COVID-19 Protocols Apply. All applicable Wesleyan University COVID-19 Protocols apply. Current policy requires any unvaccinated (all boosters included) visitors to be masked at all times.
[5] Rating Supplement. Dec 2022 USCF Rating Suppl. used for section entry, pairings and prizes.
[6] Tax requirements. Players receiving total payments of $600 or more from the CSCA in 2022 must submit a W-9 to the CSCA at Click here to show mail address in advance of receiving prize.
[7] Contact. All questions/inquiries to Click here to show mail address.
[8] Refunds/Cancellation Policy: To withdraw registration or request a refund, email your request to Click here to show mail address no later than December 1 at 11:59 PM. Refund requests not received by email or received after the above deadline, will not be honored. Refunds are subject to $15 administrative fee.
[9] Unauthorized solicitation is prohibited. This is a nonprofit event for the Connecticut chess community, and the CSCA event Promotion Policy at CSCA Tournaments is in effect. Please contact CSCA at Click here to show mail address for advertising and promotional opportunities.
Organized and Sponsored by

Wesleyan Chess
55 Wyllys Avenue
Middletown, CT 06457
United States