2022 Annapolis Maryland Chess Challenge

American Legion Post 141

Event Overview

                                                                                                    2022 Annapolis Maryland

                                                                                                           Chess Challenge

                                                                                              Saturday September 17th, 2022

Location:    American Legion Post 141

                   1707 Forest Drive

                   Annapolis, MD 21401

A US Chess Federation (USCF) rated scholastic tournament for K-12th grade players! IMPORTANT - ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE MEMBERS OF THE USCF!

USCF membership can be purchased online at: https://secure2.uschess.org/webstore/member.php

Please give affiliate membership appreciation to: A6055054

We are giving an ongoing series of tournaments to help the children prepare for the 4 upcoming National Championships, which will be held in and around DC from 12/22 – 12/24!!


4 rounds | G/25;d5 for all sections

5 sections: K-1 Open, K-3 Open, K-6 Open, K-8 Open, K-12 Open

Awards:       Individual 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy for each section. Team trophies for each section. (Team = 2-4 players from same school.) Top female trophy for each section!

Entry Fee:     No entry fee! Donations (which may be tax deductible) accepted.

Please register early as our space is limited to 75 players!

To register, please use the link:


(*You may play in sections with grades higher than yours, but not lower.)

Registration closes September 16th at 8pm!!

No onsite registration!!

September 17th – Check in 9:00am-9:45am. 1st round starts at 10:00am.

*We will have a youth film crew taking pictures and filming portions of the tournament.

Please feel free to email Click here to show mail address, or text (202) 557-9516, for more information.

Sponsored by: DC State Chess Federation, American Legion Post 141, Anne Arundel County Commission for Veteran Affairs, Anne Arundel                                      County Branch NAACP and DC Health and Wellness


1707 Forest Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
United States

Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund:
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: No
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No

Organizer Overview

Vaughn Lee Bennett
Email: vaughn_bennett@yahoo.com
Phone: 2025579516