Event Overview
2021 Charlotte Open, December 26-30, 27-30, or 28-30 – North Carolina – 150 GPP
Hilton University Place Charlotte Hotel, 8629 JM Keynes Drive, Charlotte, NC. www.charlottechesscenter.org/cltopen Held after North American Junior Championship, Dec 19-23, www.charlottechesscenter.org/najunior. Championship Section – 9 round Swiss, GM/IM norms possible, USCF/FIDE rated. Under sections 7 rounds. $20,000 guaranteed prize fund in 5 sections. Championship (2100+): $3000-1500-1000-800-600-400-300-200, top U2350 FIDE: $600-300, top U2200 FIDE: $500. USCF and FIDE rated, norms possible. Minimum prizes and conditions available to GMs and foreign IMs, see website. Under 2200: $1200-600-400-200, top U2050, $400-200. USCF/FIDE rated. Under 1900: $1000-500-300-200, top U1750 $300-200. Under 1600: $1000-500-300-200, top U1450: $300-200. Under 1300: $600-400-250-150, top U1150: $250-150. $1000 in Senior Bonus Prizes! $200 to top Senior (50+) in top 5 sections. K-12 Scholastic: Wed 12/29, U1000 and U600 sections, trophies to top 8 in each. Free $500 Blitz: Saturday 9:15pm, $500 guaranteed, free for Charlotte Open players, others $20. Time Controls: Championship: G/90, inc/30. Under Sections: G/120, inc/5. 3-day Rds 1-2: G/45, inc/5. K-12 Sections: G/25, inc/5. Reg. closes 90 mins before game. 5-day Schedule (Championship only): Sun 6pm, Mon 12 & 6, Tue 12 & 6, Wed 11 & 5, Thu 10 & 3:30. 4-day Schedule (Under sections): Mon 6pm, Tue 12 & 6, Wed 11 & 5, Thu 10 & 3:30. 3-day Schedule (Under sections, rounds 1-2 G/45 inc/5): Tue 12 & 3pm, then merge with 4-day Tue 6pm. K-12 Sections: Wed 10:30, 12:30, 1:45, 3:00. 3 optional byes available, request at reg. Must be within 100 points of next section to play up. December FIDE used for Championship section, December USCF used for other sections. Masks likely required, equipment will be sanitized regularly. Hotel Rate: $101/night, 1 or 2 beds, reserve by 12/10. Championship Entry Fee: $235 by 10/19, $255 by 11/30, $275 by 12/21, $295 after. US IMs and foreign FIDE-rated players: $100 less, $100 from prize. Players U2200 USCF & FIDE: $100 additional fee, must be 2100+. GMs, Foreign IMs free, no deduction if reg. by 11/30, $230 from prize after. U2200, U1900, U1600 Sections Entry Fee: $135 by 10/19, $155 by 11/30, $175 by 12/21, $195 after. $50 discount to players in 2021 North American Junior or Holiday GM/IM Norm Invitational, Dec 19-23, in top 4 sections. U1300 Section Entry Fee: $95 by 10/19, $115 by 11/30, $130 by 12/21, $155 by 12/21. K-12 Scholastic (U1000 and U600) Entry Fee: $30 by 12/21, $40 after. Conditions: GMs and Foreign IMs rated 2350+ FIDE are eligible for minimum prizes and/or hotel conditions. Hotel conditions must be arranged in advance, contact Dr. Walter High, wmhigh@nc.rr.com. Official website, online registration, rules, entry list: www.charlottechesscenter.org/cltopen Questions: grant@charlottechesscenter.org
8629 JM Keynes Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262
United States